Backstabbing Best Friend | Teen Ink

Backstabbing Best Friend

January 5, 2022
By Anonymous

You may ask, “what does she do to backstab you?” Well, let me tell you. Whenever something happens around other people, she doesn’t stand up for me at all. She doesn’t say anything to help me when I absolutely need it. In our friendship, a lot of stuff has happened. Including liking the same guy. Guess what, she ended up getting him. The last guy I thought was cute, he liked her. She always gets whatever she wants and it is so annoying. Nobody sees what I see that she does and she is not as perfect as she looks. I can never tell her anything because all she does is go tell her boyfriend and vice-versa. I can never tell her anything without her boyfriend knowing too. 

Another thing is, that same boyfriend she has, this is what she does behind his back. She had a boy best friend and he liked her and she didn’t do anything about it until her boyfriend was literally asking other people what to do. She also snapchats the  guy I like flirtatiously. I don’t understand what her problem is. She has everything she wants, why does she go after everything in my life? She acts like she has so much wrong with hers that she has to go after mine. She is always so over dramatic about the problems in her life and is an absolute bi*** whenever me or anyone else tries to help her and ask her what’s wrong. She always expects me to tell her my problems and secrets, but she won’t tell me hers. She spreads my secrets and business everywhere and everyone knows about it. 

Around me she keeps my secrets, but not when we aren’t together. When we are with each other, she is usually nice and acts like she is there for me. She agrees with the things I rant to her about when we are together and we are good friends when we are together, but she acts like she doesn’t even know me when we aren’t. When we are with each other, she acts really snobby towards other people. She will talk crap about so many people then she will go and talk to them like she didn’t just talk crap about them. 

Another thing is that when we aren’t together she will go hangout with that person that she just talked a bunch of crap about. She will tell them my secrets and everyone else she talks to. Also, when she isn’t around me which makes me the most mad, she snapchats the guy I like and takes multiple pictures before she snapchats him back because she wants to look good. It’s the most annoying thing in the entire world.

The author's comments:

This is how I truely feel about this person.

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