My Dear Grandma | Teen Ink

My Dear Grandma

January 5, 2022
By jolie_witts BRONZE, Decatur, Illinois
jolie_witts BRONZE, Decatur, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My grandma is the most adorable person I have ever seen. We call her “Tiny Grandma,” even though she is not super short. She is still shorter than all of the family--well, except me and my little brother and baby cousin--so we are allowed to call her that. My grandma is also one of the prettiest people I have ever met. Her short brown hair, her very distinctive dimples, and also always being tan, make her who she is. Of course, those are not the only things that make her who she is, but that sums up some of her features.

My grandma has always been here for me. I appreciate her very much; I don’t know what I would do without her. She is one of my best friends. I tell her a lot of things that go on in my life and I rant to her when I need it most. I cherish our many sleepovers we have had that consist of ice cream parfaits while watching a Disney movie. I wake up in the morning at her house to the smell of eggs and bacon cooking. It is the best smell to wake up to. 

Everyone has a certain smell that makes them feel safe or reminds them of their childhood. Mine is the smell of my grandma when I hug her.  Whether it is her perfume or hair products, she smells good. The smell of my grandma is one of the most comforting smells for me. She also gives the best warm hugs. Ever since I was little, holding my grandma’s hand was one of my favorite things to do, feeling her soft hands touch mine. 

Another big part of my life is the sound of my grandma’s voice. Whether she was saying “Bean!”,  “Ed…” , or even “Oh, Jo!”, her sweet and kind voice (or permanently annoyed depending on who she's talking to--not me, of course) is always a voice I am happy to hear. 

My grandma is also an amazing cook. Her chocolate chip cookies are to die for, especially when they are fresh out of the oven, all warm and gooey with hints of vanilla coming through. In fact, my grandma’s cooking is what has made me the carnivore I am today. I look forward to Christmas every year just so I can eat the prime rib she makes.  Another thing that I eat that reminds me of my grandma are “tootsie rolls.” I am not talking about the candy, I am talking about Sister Shuebert’s dinner rolls. The name “tootsie rolls” has just kind of stuck with the family ever since I was little and decided to call them that. 

My overall relationship with my grandma is one of the most important relationships of my life. It is a relationship that I will always depend on. I am very thankful for how close my grandma and I are. 

The author's comments:

I am an average 15 year old girl who enjoys watching Grey's Anatomy, hanging out with friends, and playing volleyball. I hope to become a Physcians Assistant one day. 

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