Strange | Teen Ink


January 3, 2022
By gabbynoble BRONZE, Mount Clemens, Michigan
gabbynoble BRONZE, Mount Clemens, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments




The way that we used to be inseparable, spending nights in a row at each other's houses. How we used to do everything together: holidays, family parties, sports. How we used to waste the days away playing video games in your living room, later relieving our hunger with your mom’s famous chicken noodle soup. How we spent each summer staying out late and having the time of our lives. How you accompanied me on every family vacation; you were the only friend that I could stand being with for that long. The way that we shared secrets, because we knew we could trust each other more than anyone else. The way that we were best friends. The way that as we grew older, life brought different things upon us. The way new people came along. The way things changed so fast. How I became your second choice, even though you remained my first. How I tried to make countless plans with you, but there was always something better. The way you’d rather have hung out with your new boyfriend. How even though you had recently neglected me, I was still there to comfort you when your love story came to an end. The way that my friendship still wasn’t enough. How the friendship of other people was. The way that you got everything that I ever wanted: tons of friends and boys that loved you. How I began to resent you for it. How I knew things would never be the same as they once were. The way I slowly stopped reaching out to you; I got tired of being put last. The way that you no longer wanted to be my best friend; you had changed. How we rarely ever see or talk to each other anymore. How when we do, we awkwardly pretend as if nothing ever happened. The way that even though I know we’ve outgrown each other, I just can’t stop thinking about our memories together. How I miss you.  

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece about a friend whom I had grown up with, however as we got into highschool we began to drift apart. I think a lot of other teenagers could relate to this :) 

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