What to do? | Teen Ink

What to do?

December 19, 2021
By Greykal BRONZE, Jaipur, Other
Greykal BRONZE, Jaipur, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When the girl woke up she saw that the day was going to be exactly the same. She wondered why should she try something new because it will become old after a few days .

Being habitual to a routine soon becomes tiresome. Strange things happen when she is excited or stressed.

These happenings vary with circumstances and a strange anxiety builds up that what she has done will be correct or not. However she powers through this precarious condition because in reality nobody cares if she makes it or not.

These are the musings of a procrastinator, over thinker, introvert and perfectionist, of someone who makes slow progress. In reality she is just vary of people and afraid of making mistakes.

She wonders everyday when will her story start ?

The answer is the when she is satisfied with how her day was spent and ready for tomorrow.

The author's comments:

This is an experience of mine during isolation and lockdown. It's okay when its my choice to be alone but during then I was lonely

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