Recreation is a significant part of our life | Teen Ink

Recreation is a significant part of our life

November 30, 2021
By Anonymous

To lead a healthy life, recreation is one of the basic factors that we need to concentrate on.The activities which are done for our enjoyment rather than work is called recreation. Some people think recreation is a waste of time. But this is nothing but a misconception.Through recreational activities we remain physically fit and mentally
refreshed. Mental development remain hindered due to lack of recreational activities. Most people of the present generation suffer from depression, they feel themselves as a burden in the society. Due to excessive pressure of work, they become exhausted. In such situations to control themselves mentally there is no alternative of recreational activities. Some of the outdoor recreational activities are :


1) Hiking : Ultimate peace of mind can be obtained by this
activity. It is a natural exercise that promotes physical fitness and relives  our mind from stress. A great spot for this activities can be Mountains. To make this activity more interesting music can be played, we can take photos
we can draw amazing scenaries of that place. 

2) Air Sports :  Paragliding, bungee jumping and air suit flying are the most common recreational air sports. Ballooning, helicopter rides are also mentionable here.
Air sports are one of the most best outdoor activities. It gives us much recreation, we enjoy the fresh air which helps to calm our mind and inspire us to move forward to achieve our goals.

3) Fishing: Fishing for recreation is not commercial fishing This type of fishing is also called sport fishing. It is done for competition or pleasure.

4) Walking in the park: Walking or jogging with some music is the best recreational activity which helps to remain physically fit and mentally refreshed .

5) Reading books: Reading books is
one of the best habit of a human 
being. By reading a nice book anyone
can become mentally refreshed. All stress, pains are erased by reading our desired books.

6) Watching Movies : By watching a pleasant movie at weekends one can be relived from the stress and
pressure. And a new week can be started by being refreshed.  

7) Diving: We can explore the depth of oceans. It is a
adventurous activity. One can feel refreshed and can get pleasure and fulfill his excitement through this.

8) Music: Music helps to keep our soul alive
 Music gives peace to our mind and

There are lots of recreational activities beyond this like swimming, biking, rafting, playing games and so on. Recreational activities helps us to remain fit physically and mentally. It encourages us to do great things. Our skills, confidence, self esteem are increased through recreational activities. We can learn to work as a team. We remain ready to overcome any challenges of life. We remain happy. 

It is obviously true that life without recreational activities is like a life without a soul. But without accomplishing our main tasks if we keep ourselves busy in recreational activities that would be hilarious.  So we should maintain a balance between the recreational activities and our main works. We should do our works properly and timely.

The author's comments:

This article is written by Glory Jewel, who's hobby is journalism. It's her first writing. Hope you all will like it. 

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