How to use a clutch on a motorcycle | Teen Ink

How to use a clutch on a motorcycle

November 30, 2021
By Anonymous

The first step to learning how to use a clutch on a motorcycle is identifying where the actual clutch is. For most motorcycles other than some japanese bikes, the clutch is on the left hand side of the handle bars. It is a long lever that should loosely pull in and out. 

The second step is actually getting on the bike and getting a feel for your clutch. Your clutch is a very touchy thing but once you get the hang of it it will be like riding a pedal bike. As you turn on the motorcycle make sure that you are in the neutral gear. Usually in most bikes they have a one, neutral, two, three, four, five, and six gear sequence. If the bike is in first gear, half click the gear shifter up to put it in neutral. 

The third step of the process is to get moving. When you are on the bike, shift from neutral to first gear by pressing down on the gear shifter once. After that make sure your kickstand is up and if your motorcycle has an automatic break take that off. After that you will give the throttle a tiny bit of gas and push off with your feet and slowly release the clutch all at the same moment. At first you will be a little jumpy and not be good at it but after some practice and you find the right release point where the clutch lets the gears go into actual gear you will get the hang of it easily. 

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How to work a clutch on a motorcycle 

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