Wish come true | Teen Ink

Wish come true

October 20, 2021
By 5afooa25 BRONZE, Stratham, New Hampshire
5afooa25 BRONZE, Stratham, New Hampshire
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I was a cruel person. If you ask some people they will still say I am. I was not a good person. My mental state was everywhere. I just wasn’t happy. I would cry myself to sleep every night, making a swimming pool in my eye lids. Then starting at the end of June 2021 I started working at an establishment called Mr. Wish, which sells an assortment of fruit teas and milk teas originating in Taiwan. My best friend Conan has had the job since it first opened up. I’d always wanted to work there, and I got my chance.  During the time I got this job I wasn’t in the best mental state, and going into this job I lacked excitement, and felt like I wouldn't be welcome to Mr.Wish. The first two weeks go by w ith plenty of mistakes, and spending my time there getting yelled at. It was like a pitbull barking at a stranger. I really hated not fitting in, being the only new one their. That does not mean I was not building new friendships with my co-workers. Every now and then I would go to the gym with them, but I never really thought our friendships would expand any more. 

While I was working, I was surrounded by people that showed kindness and generosity.  For constantly being around this generosity and having comfort, and this amazing working environment. Made me realize that I can change. I didn’t wanna be the jerk, I wanted to be someone else. The change boosted my confidence to become a better person, I will tell you this right now it wasn’t easy for me, but eventually I think I succeeded in that goal. It made me have a better mindset and be a better employee and person. As I get further into my Mr. Wish career, I have learned to realize that this is what makes my life the best it can be. The amount of memories I have had here are unforgettable. I’ve literally met my two best friends here. Eric and Conan, Conan whom I’ve grown up with, and Eric being a mutual for a long time, who knew we would make the perfect trio? How I like to compare our friendship to is the powerpuff girls. Nobody will, and never break us apart. Everyday ends up with us hanging out after work, creating such good memories, like tying a shoe. The funny thing is that we were all different ages, me being 14 and a freshman at EHS, Conan being a senior at EHS, and Eric being a freshman just like me but at UMass Boston. At this point it becomes a bond, every weekend we try to spend the most time while Eric is back from college. It's not just those two, we also got the whole other crew, we all have fun, but we also have times where we need to get tasks done. Let's say we go back in time and  you were to tell me that Eric and Conan would be literal brothers to me, I would've thought you were crazy. Don’t get me wrong we all grew up with each other, but to be the people I would go to just be me and have fun. I would think you're crazy.  We’re just one big family that I’m glad to be a part of. Still recollecting those funny moments at work. When Eric dropped the teapot during a rush, making the whole store smell like stinky expired milk you forgot to take out the fridge. Conan smashing a timer in front of the customers making a loud BAM, and from a bird flying into the shop. This job has given me a feeling everytime I wake up in the morning, I feel like a changed person. My life has gone from a downhill to an uphill, and I finally feel happy to wake up every morning. It's like that exciting feeling you get when you have something exciting to do. I went from working for the money, now I’m working, because I get to see my family everytime I walk into the shop. Without this family I would probably be struggling in high school, and the person that nobody would like This job means the absolute world to me, I wouldn't give it up for anything. My co-workers and this job have changed my life around. I’ve always been told to, “treat other people how you wanna be treated.” The friendly environment, and the connection with my co-workers changed me as a person. This job has made me a better son, friend, and kid. Can’t thank them enough for making me feel happy, and glad I know I got a family beside me to support me. This daily bond is unbreakable. The Mr. Wish organization  has become a dream to me, and I will never forget my journey. I don’t know who I would be without this job, and this family. This is my family, this is my home.

The author's comments:

Personal Story about a life changing job.

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