My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

October 6, 2021
By 3demark BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3demark BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In Chinese my name means “little fire” or “the fiery one”. In Gaelic language, it means, the powerful one. It means strong and ruling. It is like the number seven.  A blazing red.  It was a name often given to people of royal blood in Ireland, like kings The red just like the red of a rulers cape.  


My parents wanted a child with a name that would represent what a strong person could be. 

When I hear the name Aidan I also think peace.  Like a weeping willow its soft viney branches flowing in the wind.  A calm name that can bring comfort.  Shared with St. Aidan who was known as a powerful, yet very compassionate person”.” who freed slaves and helped the poor.  A man who gave more than he took, always putting others before his own well being. 

I've always liked my name.  Never have I questioned if it suits me.  It is a spontaneous name that brings joy and fun. 

It is me and who I am, I cannot change that.  I am known for being outgoing and like to take the role of the leader.  It is a natural born leader that will do anything to protect what is important to it.  I feel good when I hear someone bring up my name even if it is supposed to be an insult because it just means that my name was good enough to be remembered by whoever is talking.


I know I haven't done anything to be known as.  But I know that someday in the future I will be remembered.  My name will go down in history for what I will accomplish.  A name that will carry my legacy for generations to come.  Nothing will allow my name to be forgotten to time.  

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