Reaching Out For the First Time | Teen Ink

Reaching Out For the First Time

September 30, 2021
By Anonymous

My name has never been said much. The teachers never call on me because I never want to speak up. I don’t know a lot of people so I tend to keep to myself. My friends and family will say my name though. I like hearing my name from them, the people I care about.

When I hear my name, I think of a light blue. Light and airy like the sky. You can see the sky all the time but it is usually covered by clouds or overshadowed by the sun. That's how I feel in life lots of the time. I don’t stand out in any way. I don’t necessarily want to. This means I fall into the background, overshadowed by others.

My name had never been written for display. Never been very important. That was until I tried reaching out. Not staying in my comfort zone. Or falling into a pattern of feeling overshadowed but doing something. Something to try and make a name for myself. Even if it was just something small. 

Seeing my name on the list that had made it on the stage crew filled me with joy. It wasn’t the play where I would be on stage for all to see. It would be behind the scenes where I can help those who are performing. For once seeing my name made me feel seen. 

The fliers were being handed out for the play. The play that I had helped build. Weekends spent planning. Hours of working. It had all come together. And the proof was on the paper. My name written down for all to see. It was next to the people that I had worked hard with to make this happen. Taylor Kamrath- Stage crew.

The author's comments:

This piece was something that was very truthful and honest about me. I tend to not be very open about how I feel but I tried to do that in this piece for the first time.

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