My hopeful future | Teen Ink

My hopeful future

September 29, 2021
By Anonymous

As I get ready for another deployment overseas, I take one last look at the base, enjoying it one last time for a long time.  As I get to the aircraft I look up and start to climb into the cockpit.  I prepare for takeoff.  “Fort Worth Ground, FW 3 at west hanagers with Yankee, looking for an easterly departure.”

“FW(foxtrot whiskey) 3, runway 36L(left), taxi via Zulu Charlie.” said ground.

“Runway 36L via Zulu Charlie, FW 3.” I said as I gave the fighter some power to move away from the hanger, now I have started another chapter in my life.

I get to runway 36L, I do my pretake off checklist.  I look around flaps are down I think to myself, Checklist complete.

“Fort Worth Tower, FW 3 holding short of runway 36L, looking for an easterly departure.”

“FW 3, would you like to stick to your flight plan or fly with the wind,” asked the controller.  I wanted to fly with the wind rather than flying on my flight path.

“I will fly with the wind if that is fine.”

“FW 3 runway 36L, clear for takeoff, fly heading 075, expect flight level 120, 10 minutes after departure.”

“Runway 36L, clear for takeoff, fly heading 075, expect flight level 120, 10 minutes after departure”, I pull into the active runway and turn the strobes and landing lights on and give the throttle a nice push to full power.  The engines scream down the runway as I look at my flight instruments.  Airspeed alive, Engine instruments in check, 80 knots cross-check. I reach my takeoff speed and I pull back on the stick and the plane smoothly gets off the ground, I climb up to 600 feet and bank to the right and fly the heading of 075.  I depart Fort Worth and climb through the sky, wondering what this deployment might bring. I watch as the ground gets smaller and smaller, buildings turn into dots, fields are more abundant, I am once again, leaving, doing something I love.

The author's comments:

My parents were both in the United States Air Force and I want to follow in their footsteps.

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