Battle of the Pets | Teen Ink

Battle of the Pets

May 21, 2019
By JohnDoe1 BRONZE, Baxter, Iowa
JohnDoe1 BRONZE, Baxter, Iowa
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This topic has been a fueled fight for a long time now and hasn’t seemed to have an end in sight. People say cats are better than dogs or dogs are better than cats. There really is no definitive winner in this fight for victory. But I believe that cats and dogs are equals because they can be better than the other in different situations.

Dogs can be a great companion, friend, and family member. Dogs are better companions because they will try to do anything to please their owner and can be easily trained to follow commands but potty training them is a battle that can last forever. This can cause a great deal of stress for people who don’t have a lot of free time on their hands. Dogs may poop in their kennel or around the house and this is a huge problem because it means more cleaning.

That is not one of the only cons a dog has because everything has more than one flaw. Dogs can shed a lot of fur and this can be bad for many reasons. I believe this can be bad when there are babies around because like most people realize babies will eat anything they can get their hands on. So this can be the fur someone’s dog has shed or laundry detergent pods. This can be a big problem because someone might have to watch the baby to make sure it doesn’t swallow any fur.
There is also an upside to having a dog with a baby as well. The dog is more likely to protect newborn babies if they have a close bond with their family. They are willing to protect a newborn solely based on this bond. People can find Youtube videos of dogs protecting babies.

This doesn’t mean that dogs have already won the fight. Cats have pros too. Cats can be easily potty trained compared to dogs. They are more inclined to use the litter box after being shown it because they are usually potty trained as kittens. Cats are also able to entertain themselves and this can be great for someone who doesn’t have enough time on their hands to do so. This can just be a great way to still have a pet but the owner won’t have to work around their schedule.

But cats tend to scratch things that isn’t a scratch post which can be very exhausting. This can cause a lot of stress because the owner might have to replace the furniture. But this can usually be fixed with a little bit of training and maybe a scratch post. It can also be cheaper when an owner takes their cat to the vet. Cats don’t require as much maintenance. Cats clean themselves which can be GOOD thing so the owner doesn’t have to clean their cat. But there is a downside since the owner has to clean up the hairballs afterwards.

All in all, cats and dogs have their pros and cons. But sometimes a dog is good in one situation and a cat is good in another. It is all based on personal preference. Now the real question is which one are are people willing to put more work into.

The author's comments:

This is about what is better: dogs or cats? Today this feud may be put to rest or might not be.

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