Should TMS Have Vending Machines? | Teen Ink

Should TMS Have Vending Machines?

April 11, 2024
By RCKlug BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
RCKlug BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Some may ask, "Why does Tumwata Middle School need vending machines?" There are many answers to this question but I am going to present only three in this essay. Even though vending machines may be unhealthy, Tumwata Middle School should have them because they benefit our school, they teach us skills, and they help us with our classwork. Tumwata Middle School needs vending machines because they benefit our school in many ways. Many other schools have vending machines including Oregon City High School, not all people like hot lunch and don't have time to make food for lunch at home which creates the question of what they will eat for lunch, the answer to this is vending machines in the cafeteria with healthy snacks and a source of energy like nuts or fruit. With vending machines at Tumwata Middle School if there is a markup on the prices of the food in the vending machines compared to what the school paid for the snacks they can make money to buy more snacks, get school supplies, and have more school events. In addition to benefiting our school, having vending machines at Tumwata Middle School can help teach the students skills like money management and paying attention to health in food. Skills like money management help with future scenarios and is an overall great and important skill to have in life, this is the same for paying attention to the health in your food, altho food packaging may say that it is healthy and has high fiber doesn't always mean that it is completely true about that product. Finally, Tumwata Middle school needs vending machines to help with classwork. Food helps with classwork because of the energy, and feeling of a full stomach can help you focus and have the energy to do work, when I am hungry it is harder to do my work and focus because of my aching stomach but, if I then go and get a healthy snack from the vending machine that fills me up I will have energy and focus to do my work to the fullest. According to, "Some students lack access to healthy food to keep them feeling full. If you provide them with additional food options, they are less distracted by hunger and can stay focused more easily throughout the day." Some may say that vending machines are unhealthy but that is not always true, healthy snacks can be in the vending machines, and sometimes a healthy snack with an apple can be more healthy than a school lunch. Some may say that vending machines are unhealthy but that is not always true, healthy snacks can be in the vending machines, and sometimes a healthy snack with an apple can be more healthy than a school lunch. Tumwata Middle School needs vending machines and in this essay I have listed how Tumwata Middle School needs vending machines, how vending machines teach skills, and how vending machines help with classwork and focus. Foods that could be beneficial to Tumwata Middle School are bananas, chips, and drinks.

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This article has 1 comment.

faqzs BRONZE said...
on Apr. 29 2024 at 4:09 pm
faqzs BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments
I agree with this guy put vending machines in tumwata