The Homeless: Why They Need Support | Teen Ink

The Homeless: Why They Need Support

April 11, 2024
By charlieevers BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
charlieevers BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine a world where you had to live on the street with nowhere to go home to. Where you are stuck in debt and no one wants to help you. While it's true that supporting the homeless uses resources that could be used for the projects, we should support the homeless population because they are people like us; they need help getting back on their feet, and lastly, it's not safe on the streets.

The first reason why we need to support the homeless population is because the homeless population is just like you and me but they are just going through a tough time and lost their money to pay for housing. I have also talked with some homeless people and they seem like other people and are trying to get housing. I have personal experience with talking with homeless people when I volunteered at an event called Potluck in the Park and most of them are pretty nice and well-spoken.

Another reason why the homeless might need more support is that the people who are homeless might also need programs and other resources to help them get back on their feet and in a living space they call their own. Some people might have become homeless because they were in too much debt and couldn't afford to repay it. Some people might even need mental health programs or programs to get them off drugs because of previous addictions or stress. Programs like this would require funding and resources to work effectively.

One last reason why people should care more about the homeless is because it is not safe on the streets. Influences like drugs and alcohol could change how long it takes to get back into a

home and impact someone's future more than it already has. The weather is also a concern because thunderstorms and other weather conditions could hurt people and even make someone die. Buildings could also get unwanted mold and pests from the use that they might be getting for shelter. Critics would say that spending money on the homeless people would be a waste of money. However, this isn’t true because the money and resources that most likely would be used are from the government and would help out a lot of people. 

To sum it up, homeless people need the support of our community to help them get back on their feet, people need to notice that they are people too, and they need our help to get off the unsafe streets. If you care about what I stated in this essay, you can help by volunteering your time at a local homeless shelter or soup kitchen.

The author's comments:

This essay is about why people should support the homeless.

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faqzs BRONZE said...
on Apr. 18 2024 at 3:19 pm
faqzs BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments