Till Death Do I Part! | Teen Ink

Till Death Do I Part!

July 28, 2013
By Maxx Annunziata BRONZE, Congers, New York
Maxx Annunziata BRONZE, Congers, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why did it come to this? I step my cramped foot sharply on the brakes. The metal machine stinking of death comes to a halt. I place my hot, sweaty feet on the crystal snow below. With each step the broken glasses of perfect innocence shatter beneath my destructive stature. As I look above, I nervously observe the shining witnesses to the imperfect crime. The reflective black hood reveals the true monster full of obsession and terror. I unclench my sweaty palms containing my inner rage. As I open the trunk, both grief and guilt take over my inner conscience. Why did I become this? The stench of death shivers down my spine. In front of my starry witnesses is the one piece of evidence that now defines what I have become. The picturesque hand, which as if it were only a moment ago, I had held it with friendship and love. The blade with dried red used to lead the archangel to the kingdom above. My breaths quicken and heart pulses as I take hold of a shovel. Once used to build a home now used to create an eternal one. But as I begin to dig my own grave I stop and smile a devilish, persuasive smile. I take steps back and observe the one piece of beauty. Beneath all the red and evil, there lies a friend. A shiny affection of my love, which at one point created a bond between two unlikely people, now creates an eternal bond between God and the fallen angel. Fame, love and affection all blessed my life, but the evil within my soul prevailed. The battle between good and evil gave me a choice. I chose the option that sent me into the pit of hell for all eternity.

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