2-Faced | Teen Ink


March 24, 2011
By CreoleDoll BRONZE, Wichita, Kansas
CreoleDoll BRONZE, Wichita, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"well behaved women never make history"-marilyn monroe<3


Stacey was just another small town geek who always got picked on for being a freak but she envied all the populars. After to L.A. for her mom's new career, Stacey has a intervention with the devil and he gives her the opportunity to be one of the popular girls she's always dreamed about, but in return Stacey would have to sell her soul to the devil while he enters her presence. L.A. didn't know that Stacey plans to run things and it's not going to get pretty.

The author's comments:
This is just a summary about my soon to be novel that i am about to write.

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