Galaxy Unfound | Teen Ink

Galaxy Unfound

February 13, 2017
By Anonymous

 It was a date still not known, the night was bright or was it the day. He was still floating in what felt like either jelly or a liquid or something. He could see other creature that looked like him, but what was he. This was the only thing that he could think or that he knew what to think. Then, he heard a noise one heard never heard before, then something cold hit him on the side. Then the light hit him and he couldn’t see until his eyes adjusted to the light.
So, he looked around, he saw what had to be a doctor or something holding him in his arm carrying him to the table to be examined. As he was laid on the table he heard the doctors talking, but he could not understand what they were saying. Then he heard the word “Soubar.” That was his name, Soubar. As Soubar was lifted off the table he was laid on another table and was rolled through a door and into a chilly room that had a light shining right into his eyes. But he heard what seemed to be crying, but it wasn’t from him it was from the other children in this room.
Then out of nowhere, someone grabbed him off the table and held him. “He’s so cute,” said the mystery person said, “Mitles can you believe we’ve had our first Glirpian.” “No, I still can’t believe it’s happened so fast, it seems like just yesterday we had learned our little Glirpian was coming to join us.” Said Mitles. That’s what he was, Soubar was a Glirpian. Little did Soubar know that one day he would become the most Glirpian in the galaxy, because he would be the saver of all his people.
So as Soubar grew in age he also grew in strength, intelligence, and wisdom of his galaxy and universe. Then at the age of seventeen, Soubar was summoned by the High King of the 8th Galaxy, but the weirdest part about the summoning is that his home father was summoned as well. The reason that he was called his home father, is because all the children or as their known really known as Glirpian’s, are genetically and physically created in a lab in the home planet of Morfon. What was this submission all about, the news he soon would receive, would change his life forever.
The date was still not known when Soubar was summoned by the High King. As he knew nothing would really happen in his lifetime that was interesting in his life that would change the world. As Soubar approached the High King he was amazed to see him smiling at him. He couldn’t understand why, but as he got closer he realized that there was a lady behind him that he’d seen before, but where had he seen her. Then he could see something in his memory, it was before he’d gotten into the jelly pod that he’d came out of when he was made. Or was he made in the lab, he didn’t feel like he did.
Throughout all of his life he’d always been different than anyone else, he was always smarter than his other peers and he was taller than everyone else, all the other people were all the same height and weight. But he has always been taller than the other his friends and he was heavier than them too. Then in his day dreaming stage he heard a loud voice say demandingly. “Soubar, SOUBAR, are you there.” Yelled the king. “Yes sorry my king,” Soubar said as he removed his head wear. “Soubar,” said the King, “I’ve been watching you since you came out of that hospital on Morfon, and you know as well as I do that you are much different than your fellow peers.” “Yes sir I always have noticed that.” Said Soubar. “Then, there is something that you need to know, you weren’t made in that lab on Morfon you were the first of your kind to be made through sexual reproduction.” Proclaimed the King. “What that’s impossible!” Yelled Mitles. “SILENCE!!” Demanded the King.
As Soubar pondered on what the king had said, it utterly amazed him of the fact that he was the first ever Glirpian to not be created in a laboratory. He wondered what gave the king and his queen the idea to have the first child not being made in the laboratory that all of his friends had been made in. He was different, and this made him feel special and he liked it. He was very different and no one could relate to anything that had happened, or anything that was happening.
20 years had passed since the king had summoned Soubar, he was wondering how this would affect his life. Even after 20 years, he was wondering what this would do to change his life that would make his life turn in a different direction. Then, one day the king, his father, had summoned him with some urgent news. His planet would be attacked by Morfon. “Why?” Asked Soubar. “Because, they had found out that you weren’t created in their laboratory.” Said the king.
Tragic events began to happen, most of them happened at night while everyone was laying down asleep. Then one happened during the day that changed the lives of all of all of the Glirpians on the planet. The Morfon’s came and abducting all of the children on the planet. And that’s when Soubar got pushed over the edge, he had a baby sister that had been abducted with all of the other children. So he boarded a ship and headed for Morfon. As he arrived to the planet he could first see the camps that all of the children were being held at. So he landed the ship and unboarded from it as fast as possible. He started running toward the camp as fast as possible until he ran into the door. Unconsciously he stood up and opened the door and he saw his target, the High King of Morfon. He ran as fast as he could until the floor fell out from underneath him. As he sat in his cage slowly rotting, he wondered if anyone would ever come and rescue the children and him.

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