Short Story | Teen Ink

Short Story

January 25, 2017
By Anonymous

 I can’t remember what was going through my head. All I knew was to run as fast as I could then hide. My mind was blank at that moment I didn’t even know who or what I was running from. All I knew was I was hungry and I saw the box. I was so so hungry. Then I stopped running, why would I stop? I had to hide but this place was designed to prevent this. It was designed to prevent people like me. I have to hide, I shake my head looking around the room scanning for anything. The bed. The bed is the only possible way to hide. Very cliche but it was my only option. I threw my body underneath the bed hoping maybe they didn’t see me come into this room. I held my breath. The door opened. I could tell the guards were scanning my room, just like I had done seconds before. The guards stood there for another minute and opened the door. How did they not see me? They started to exit the room and search for me, nevertheless I took a sigh of relief. At that moment I knew I was screwed.
What was I thinking? At that moment everything came back to me. How could I be so stupid? I lay under the bed thinking. I am 15 years old. I am stuck in this hell hole of a place. I’m starving, only living off of freeze dried peas. Of course, I’m going to want the box of cookies. Why would they have them just sitting there on the self? They were just waiting for someone to take them. They were setting me up for failure. It’s not my fault that I took them right? I let everything stink in. I have to move. The guards are going to come back. I have to find a new place to hide. But how?
I climbed out from under the bed, trying not to make a sound. I tiptoed over to the door and grabbed the handle. I put my ear to the cold metal. No voices. I opened the door and looked down the hall. There was no one but there was always someone in the hallway? I had no time to ponder, I started to run. Everything was a blur. I spun around and headed in a new direction. Where am I going to go? There’s no way out and by no way out I mean there’s no possible way out. I’m stuck. I’m going to have to escape. Escape. I’ve never thought of doing that. There was nothing to escape to. Just the ashes of everything living on the surface of this planet we called earth. I’ve always been told that there’s nothing left. But this my only option, I have to go outside. Outside of this hell hole bunker that I’ve lived in since day one.
I realized that I’ve stopped in the middle of the hall wall while all of this was running through me head. I wasn’t being very inconspicuous. I heard voices. I took off running, again not very inconspicuous, my loud footsteps echoed the erie empty hall. Again where all the people? I stopped dead in my tracks. They already found me. These guards aren’t that dumb to just walk out of the room. They’ve placed this hall on lockdown. I’m not even going to have time to escape. I was right. I’m screwed. The voices grew closer. My time was running out. What should I do? I stood in the middle of the hall for what seemed to be forever. I had a plan but they don’t know that. The guards saw me and started to run. I stay still even though I know what they’ll do to me.
I feel their clammy hands on my wrists. The guards pull me towards the end of the hall. Sweat dripping down my face. I try to look brave but the guards don’t give me any of their attention. The shunning has already began. The flash their badge the metal door opens. I try not resist but, this plan may not work. I cross my fingers. This is the part of bunker I’ve never seen. It looks worse than the rest of the building and that’s saying something. Everything was rusted and pieces of metal were scattered on the floor. There were hazmat suits hanging on the walls that could easily be a hundred years old. I scan the room looking for an escape route. The guards set me down on the cold cement floor and walk out of the room. The room was the size of a large closet with nothing that could help me. I continued to sit on the floor for what felt for hours.
  The door slid open. A man dressed in one of our hazmat suits walked through. The stood by me waiting for me to stand. The grabbed the raggedy hazmat suit off the wall. I heard him mumble something about putting it on. I stood in front of him and he just continued to hold the suit. I guess I have to put it on. Once I did the man immediately left the room. About five minutes later I heard gears shifting in the wall. All of a sudden the other side of the closet started to open. Under all that rust was a door. A door to what though? There wasn’t anything on the other side. I stood there as the door slowly let in a blinding light. The door was open all the way and I still just continued to stand. I was frozen with fear. I still couldn’t see. A loud alarm coming from the room started sounding. This must be my cue to get out. I stepped one foot outside the cement. The ground was almost sponge like. Something I’ve never felt before. My hazmat suit started fogging from all my rapid breathing. I finally stepped into some shade and my eyes started to adjust. What  have I gotten myself into. 

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