The Sinking | Teen Ink

The Sinking

January 25, 2017
By 17wheelerk BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
17wheelerk BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Part 1
“Welcome back to Channel 7 News. In recent, and disastrous events the entire continent of Australia has sunk due to global warming, and high water levels. It’s heartbreaking to hear that over 23 million people have died because of this tragic sinking. These rising sea levels can only mean the worst for the entire world, if scientists don’t figure out something soon, the entire world will be underwater. We can only hope that we will not join the countries, and states that are sunk.”
However, this  destruction was unknown to the scientist Jennifer Knowles, who was pleasantly unaware of the tragedy that has been taking place. She took casual sips of coffee from her cup, letting the bitterness take over her senses. As usual Dr. Knowles was daydreaming, curious about a life different from her own. She was shaken from her thoughts when her phone rang, it was her chauvinist boss, Ted Sprites.
“Jen, listen there’s a problem. I’m sure by now you’ve heard.”
“No? Ok, just five hours ago the rest of Australia sank into the ocean the rest of the way.”
“Not to interrupt sir, but why does that include me? A week ago you decided that I was too “dense” to be working with you and your men, and then proceeded to yell profanities at me until I left the lab.” She blurted out to her brainless boss.
“Jenny, listen I know I was hard on you, but I need you. You know you’re the best of the best. Just help us find a way to keep our country from sinking.” His desperation seeping through his facade.
With a new air of power, Jennifer decided to come back to work, but with some conditions. “Alright Ted, but listen there is a few things I need. I want an office to myself, one of those fancy new coffee machines, and my name is Jennifer, not Jen, or Jenny. I’ll be at work in 20 minutes.” With that Jennifer hung up. She sighed, downed the rest of her coffee, and got moving.
Jennifer Knowles walked out of the elevator, anxiousness growing by the second. As she walked to her office, she could only hope that she looked confident, because with the amount of eyes that followed her every step, she was sure she was going to trip over her own feet. Once she made it into the confines of her office, she could finally take a breath. That was until her boss came into the office.
“Jen! Your back that’s great. Listen, we couldn’t get you that new office, but we got you a brand new coffee machine.” Her boss Ted exclaimed, whilst pointing in the corner of your office.
Jennifer smiled at Ted sarcastically and said, “Fantastic, is that the only reason you are in here?”
“No, we have a meeting in five, be there.” He said emotionlessly, and quickly left the room.
Jennifer huffed, and whispered, “My name is Jennifer, not Jen.” She began gathering her papers, and files, that included ideas, and information on ways to keep the American people alive. Jennifer nearly ran to the conference room, nearly dropping her papers twice on the way there. Once she walked through the doors of the conference room she noticed that all eyes were once again on her. With that, Jennifer quietly sat down in the only open chair. Her boss rolled his eyes, and exclaimed, “Now that everyone is here, we may begin.”
“So where are we at? Are we close to stopping the world from sinking?” Said my boss Ted.
“Sir, honestly, we have made little to no head way on this current project, and at the rate that countries are sinking, it is improbable that we will be able to save the U.S.” Exclaimed my co-worker Nick.
“What are we going to then? We are out of ideas.” uttered a man that was on the other end of the table.
“If I could intrude, but what if we stopped trying to keep the countries from sinking, but we-” Jennifer said quietly, until she was interrupted by her pompous co-worker.
“What would be the point in that, that is what we are trying to save?”
“If you would let me finish, you would know that we are trying to save the people on the land, not necessarily the land itself. So I was thinking, what if, instead we didn’t save the land, but only the people.” Jennifer said quickly, almost doubting herself.
“We can’t survive without the land, so in theory saving only the people would not work.” concluded a co-worker of Jennifer’s, Steven.
“But, what if we could save the people, and the resources on the earth, just not the land. My thought is, what if we could create an anti-gravity machine in a controlled space. Then, wouldn’t we be able save the people.” Jennifer explained.
The people around the table sat in silence for a minute, that was until Steven her co-worker whispered to himself, “That’s brilliant, completely brilliant.”
Ted then proclaimed, “Alright people, let’s get to work on and anti-gravity machine, so we can save the people of America.”

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this piece, is that today we are suffering from global warming, and although the concept of this idea is far-fetched the reasoning behind it is plausible.

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