Omission | Teen Ink


January 10, 2017
By McKayla21 SILVER, Newmarket, New Hampshire
McKayla21 SILVER, Newmarket, New Hampshire
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments


I am dangling by a cord, while looking down upon the world. Butterflies soar in my belly. I just hang here alone, amazed what’s before my eyes. My amazement is interrupted by a staticy voice telling me what to do. I just ignore the voice and marvel at our planet's beauty. From my perspective I see dazzling, blue water and a sheet of fluffy, white clouds.
BEEP, BEEP! MALFUNCTION! For some reason I don’t care about the warning. The voice is back.
“Veronica, what is wrong?” I pull on my cord to retreat back to the lonely ship when all of a sudden I see flames. The alarms echo in my helmet. The rocket ship is floating away. I grab the swiss army knife that is stashed in my bulky suit. The voice screams,  “CAN YOU HEAR ME?”
I whisper a dazed, “yes.” 
Now the booming voice that is coming from earth, is harsh and barking commands. I still don’t take into account what it's saying. I cut the cord and float there, my thoughts are absurd.
The NASA sign on the ship is no longer eligible. I am being swallowed up by the universe. Maybe I should have listened to the annoying voice. My mission has failed, just like my oxygen will.

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