Aaralyn Jade | Teen Ink

Aaralyn Jade

December 22, 2016
By Hogwartzrulez BRONZE, Buckhannon, West Virginia
Hogwartzrulez BRONZE, Buckhannon, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I could feel the power flowing through me as I held her hand. Her warmth to mine was like flame to paper. The power seemed to ripple in waves off of her. Her body radiated with an intensity that was indescribable; so much power to be controlled by a five year old.

 The young blonde haired, green eyed, baby, stood looking in confusion at her parents who looked at her through a see through glass. They had taken her to a doctor as she had been acting nothing like herself. The doctor softly pulled on her hand, over to a small bed. His old gnarled hands clasped under her arms and placed her on the bed. "This may hurt but we got to be strong for mommy and daddy right?" The little girl nodded as a needle pierced her arm.

 The effects were instantaneous and horrifying. “Shh. Its okay sweetheart, you can do it. Be strong for us; be strong for mommy and daddy." The mother cooed through the glass window. The building began to shake making equipment fall off the counters. The doctor lost balance and fell to the cement floor. Mommy and Daddy started pounding on the glass. Trying to get to their baby. "Come on Hun," the mom cried. "You have to stop or you’ll hurt someone"

“I can’t. I-" the glass between them shattered. Everyone seemed to freeze in place. The shaking stopped.  The sound was that of dead silence through the small town of Dobbins. The young girl hesitantly walked closer threw the broken glass and to the safety of her mother.

 "I didn’t mean to."

"I know Hun. George, check the doctor."

The father stepped over the glass and checked the pulse of the fainted doctor. 

 "The doctor is breathing but it's very faint. You nearly killed man, Aaralyn Jade. “George ridiculed.

“Stop it George she's only a baby.” Melanie snapped.

 "She has to be careful. We have to be careful. We don’t know what she’s capable of." He looked down at his daughter with disgust. "She could kill us. May be we should-"

 "No. We can’t send her away George"

 "What do you suggest we do then huh?! Our five year old 'angel' is dangerous!" George turned around to face the wall so he could collect his thoughts.

 "Then where do you suggest George, your sisters? I’m sure the government would love her; a lab perhaps?"

"I don’t know M. But we can’t keep her."

 "She your child George" the girl began to cry at their angry tones.

"You act like she’s a dog you can sell or put down-“

 "Oh come on. I never said that. I would never give my only child up, but I do want answers. The only place we can go is -”

Aaralyn's crying grew louder at the sound of her father's truthful words. She knew at the age of five what the only ‘safe’ place was. She knew that she would not be allowed to visit her family or them her. She's heard from the people around town talk about this place. This place of evil and danger, they called it; made only for the ones who are not in control of their powers.

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