The Watch | Teen Ink

The Watch

December 6, 2016
By Anonymous

The Watch

It was 10:00 pm and my mother and brother were sleeping. I was so tired and was about to sleep, but then I heard a noise. I realized that the noise was coming from the living room, so I got up from my bed and went to take a look. Slowly and quietly I went without trying to make noise.  I was shaking and trembling while I was walking, but didn’t know if it was because I was afraid or if it was just very cold that night. I was walking down the stairs to check it out when out of nowhere I see a shadow pass by. I was freaking out, but the scariest part was when I went towards the shadow then I saw it was me. At first I thought I was in front of a mirror, looking at myself, but then I realized that I was wearing different clothes. I didn’t not know what to do and I couldn’t scream because I was in shock. I had just met another me! I did not know what to say to the person who looked like me, but it’s clear that the other did me.
"Hello there Jack," he said.
I still could not speak. My throat still trapped. I was still confused.
He said, "I'm you Jack, from the future from a few days.”
"My eyes widened, and I said, "How the hell are you me?"
The future me said"It doesn’t matter, none of that is important .”
I looked both directions and just take a deep breath, because this was just going so fast and so strange.The future me insisted to close my eyes. So I did and when I closed my eyes he hit me really hard. I woke up so fast the next morning, directly going to the mirror to see if I had a bruise, but I did not. I checked my phone to see what time it was and it was 8:30 am and the date was November 21.2027. I was glad I was still in my normal year and not somewhere else. Then I sat on my bed trying to figure out what happened last night. My mind was going crazy and I didn’t know what to do. I did not know whether to tell anyone what happened. So I kept everything to myself. I left my room and smelled delicious food. I went to go check it out and saw my mother there.
"Good morning mom!" I said.
"Hello there Jack," mom replied.
I asked,  "How was everything yesterday"
           "It went well, why do you ask?
" Oh, nothing"I answered very quickly.
" Okay then, go wash your teeth and come eat. "She ordered me.
So I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then I came down to eat my breakfast that was cooked very quickly because we have these machines that are incredible. When you name the dish you want, the machine makes it in about one minute. After I finished eating I went to go change and got ready for school.
I knew how to drive because I was seventeen, but society is strict about driving age. 23 years or older may drive a car, but not less than that. They made this rule because there were a lot of car accidents and people dying that are innocent. But I ignore the rules and all you need to know is to drive safe. I got to school still thinking about what happened last night and did not know if it was a dream or if it was real. All day at school I was thinking if it was true and if it was, how the hell did I do it. I tried to think really hard. Now I knew that everything I did, will affect me. I went to the backyard and open the garage where my father always used to work. My father died four years ago and nobody really knows how but we knew that he was gone. Strange things happen when my father always worked in the garage because when I was little and played basketball outside  I saw lights that were so bright and sounds that I couldn’t even explain. But I was never allowed in the garage when my father would be working. I opened the garage and went inside. The garage was like a science fair and I was taking a look around. Then I saw a small box on the table where my father would always work.  I opened the box slowly and saw a watch. It wasn’t a normal watch though. It had words in it. The words said past, present and future. I put the watch on and then turned the angle to the right where it said future. I let go of the watch and from there everything was strange.
I was in my garage still, but when I left my garage I didn’t see my house anywhere. Instead, I saw soldiers with weapons in front of the street, so I immediately hid. The soldiers did not see me and I wanted to keep it that way. I asked myself. Where was I. I then saw a house near by so I went and I was not trying to get spotted. I could see that there was nobody in the house. So I went inside and tried to find any phone to see where was I. I looked at the house and it was so organized and Instead, I turned the TV on and saw some news. I checked in the lower right corner and it was 4:00 pm, and the date was December 21.2027! I was panicking, my heart beating so fast I literally thought I was going to faint. I'm glad I did not though. I kept watching more news and heard how society has changed a lot. People are rebelling, people were dying because of diseases, the environment was destroyed because the president was abusing the power. It was so scary, that it was like a nightmare. I turned off the television because I heard a noise outside. I saw who was outside and I didn’t like it. The soldiers. I saw a group of soldiers surrounding the house. I did not know how they knew I was here, but maybe there was an alarm. I ran every where trying to find a way to escape. There was no way out of this mess. I ran upstairs and went inside a room. I saw in the windows that the soldiers were coming in any minute. I was panicking, my mind going crazy, but then I remembered that I still had the watch. I heard when the soldiers broke the door and were separating themselves to find me. I Heard the footsteps running up and then I turned the angle to the left where it said present and then Poosh! I was gone.
I was back in my garage safe and sound, away from danger and checked outside to see if I was actually back. My heart was beating normal, my breathing was quiet, and I was no longer in panic. I was home. I took the watch and put it back in the box. Then I was just staring at the box not trying to touch it. I just left it there because something crazy just happened. I was wondering if I can go to the past, but did not want to try it because I didn’t know what will happen. But what I saw in the future was crazy. The society was so different than now. I felt in my heart that I had to do something about society. But I didn’t know what. Maybe I could go back, but to a different place and see what happened. So I waited until the next morning to go the future. I went back to the garage and put the watch back. I decided to go to a different place because I do not want be in the garage and in the future the soldiers would probably still be there, so I went to the nearest park, which was four blocks from my house. I turned the angle slowly to the right and then I was gone again.
I arrived in a different kind of house and I realized that I could check the time on the clock. It was 9:24 and I did not want to get caught. So I tried to mingle with the people who were walking. I saw a person and asked them straight up.
"Do you like how society is."
He said, "No, because there is much more violence than their use to be."
I was surprised that the person was talking to me.
" How did the society turned like this."I asked.
He answered, “The people.”
I wasn’t really surprised that he said that because the question I asked was a little obvious. I said goodbye and left. I didn’t really know where to go but I knew what I had to do. I went back to my time and arrived at the park.
Running so fast to my house I knew what I had to do to make things work out. I got home, running out of breath, opening my computer and making a design of change. I Printed papers, then I made posters, and I started calling my friends to help because I could not do it alone. My friends started making banners saying "Make a change". We put papers on every door saying  "To vote!" and I just started stapling everywhere where people can see this. I made announcements in school and asked if people would like to make a peaceful protest about what has happened and how people have gotten shot for no reason. I did what I had to do and it all came from the heart. I could have been doing something else, but I was not. There is a reason why my father did this and I didn’t  know how he did, but I knew this was given to me. My father knew the watch would be in good hands and It was. I spread the word and I knew it probably didn’t change much, but I did change the minds of some people which was good. A month later or a almost close to a month I figured that I had to go back to the beginning where I saw the future me  because If I didn’t things could go wrong. So I went back and my journey started over again.

The author's comments:

My name is Jonathan and I live in the Bay Area. I am hispanic and 14 years old. Through time I am finding more things about myself. I go to school and each day I learn something new about the world. This has inspired me to write a story about society.
The story that I wrote is called “The Watch” and it’s about a kid named Jack who finds a watch in his father's lab. The watch can make him go to the past and future. He then goes to the future and discovers how the people have changed and how it made society different. He then tries to make a difference in order to stop the bad things from happening in the future. 

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