"Transformation" | Teen Ink


December 2, 2016
By bresy_p BRONZE, Menlo Park, California
bresy_p BRONZE, Menlo Park, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They found them. How did they find them? I could feel the cold air pressing against me,almost like another layer of skin. I would not let it through,not this time. I would rather die than let them take me. They have already taken everything from me. My lungs burned screaming for air and the doctors slowly turned to black hazy dots. I could not hold on any longer and I knew I lost the battle as I slowly slipped into unconsciousness.

A joyful giggle filled the air like a warm ray of sunshine in a cold winter day. I would kill to hear that laugh once more. The sun beamed down on our two jet black heads showing no mercy on our already brown skin.
“ I don’t need sunscreen” Isaac whined. “My skin makes its own that’s why I’m brown.”
“Isaac” I scolded. “Don’t argue with me.”
When we got to the park Isaac bolted into the park eager to get away from the blandness that lay behind the trees. Everyone craved to get away from it. Get away from the cars that were exactly the same down to the person who was driving it.Get away from all the  same gray buildings with  the same number of windows. I layed down my blanket and opened my book wanting to savor the knowledge knowing someone soon would try to wipe it away.
“Rosa, Rosa, ROSA!” yelled Isaac. I snapped back to reality and looked around the playground like a hound looking for food. I raced across the playground until I thought I would pass out from lack of oxygen. Where did he go?
“ Rosa, Rosa, rosa come look at this bug” Isaac voice faded getting farther and farther from me. No.No. NO. The memory is always cut off here! I need to see him again. I need to. Let me see him.
Couldn’t they do their one job right and erased all my memories. I rather remember nothing then remember I loved someone but not knowing why or who they are. I rather be fully transformed.
My eyes fluttered open the white light blinding me. I was still strapped into the chair and still had no way to get out. I knew I couldn’t break the metal holding me by aiming a mirror to the sun and it rebounding onto it the metal and melting it. Stuff like that happened in movies ,but this was real life and I’m screwed. Even if I escaped where would I go. Everyone was transformed at 13 whether they liked it or not.
I would go to any length to not get transformed. They thought that I was fighting to stay alive but I’m really fighting to keep myself. An ear splitting screech filled the air as the door swung open and I knew that one of them was coming to see me once again.
“You know that I’m really starting to enjoy our talks,” said the doctor as he walked into the room.
“ It feels like I’m talking to an old friend,” I replied a sarcastic smile stretching across my face. I didn’t even look up to see him because I know there isn’t any point because they all looked exactly the same. He let out an eerie sound that was supposed to be a laugh.
“ If you just let us transform you I think we could be really good friends.”
This bastard isn’t any different than any other person on this world, literally.
“ Ohh but if I transformed you would not even know it was me,”
“ You are really smart. I hope we don’t have to waste those smarts.It would be such a shame.”
“ It would be more of a shame to waste these good looks”
“ No it wouldn’t. It is necessary to change you so that everyone is equal and meets the standards set” he snapped. My only chance to get close to him had slipped through my grasp. I need to get out of here. He noticed that I was slowly starting to retreat back in myself. Desperate to continue the conversation he added “But you would live a much happier life before because you could finally meet your dad and mom. It’s one of the best parts of being transformed,” I flinched at what he said and he knew he ended the conversation.
“Hold still,” he commanded as he grabbed my arm trying to stop the blood flow from continuing which with his gripe was working. Obviously someone was mad at the direction our conversation took. “Ahh” I involuntarily let out an exasperated cry. “A little warning nex-” I could not even finish my sentence before it took effect. My body began to yearn the transformation. I was no longer controlling my body.
Another experiment trying to find a way to transform me. I was a big anomaly to these people. Every other person just got injected and transformed but my body seemed to go along with me wanting to resisting it for the most part. The idiots might have some brain cells after all. They’re finding ways to take my control over my body away. They really want me to look the same.
Everyone now looked the same because of that stupid 89th Amendment the government placed so they could stop all inequality and bullying. I honestly do not know how the U.S. government turned so stupid. Making people genetically transform themselves so everyone looks the same and making people have the same of everything would change things but not all in the way they hoped. People had the same mentality which caused them to think of the same solutions. Slowly but surely everything did become equal ,like they hoped, but this was accomplished by making everything exactly the same. I mean everything.
“AHHHHH” I howled in agony. Well I guess trying to distract myself didn't work. This might actually break me. I am impressed maybe these bastards actually have some brain cells.
I can’t hold on anymore. My body was pushing, craving to change. Then he did  something that changed everything. He took out the needle and injected me with clear substance. The burning sensation slowly left my body.
“Why did you do that,” my voice was almost unheard.
“ Don’t think I did it for you to not transform.We want to make sure it works before we continue,” he replied with a hint of joy in his voice.
Ohh really thats why you won’t hurt me. I opened my mouth to object but all of a sudden a siren went off. The doctor’s face turned a shade of white I didn’t think possible until then. Another doctor came in, panting.
“Doctor, Doctor, they came,” she wheezed “ They broke in. She broke in.”
“I KNOW tha- SHE! SHE!,” he screamed, his veins in his neck clearly visible. “Find them! Now! Don’t stare at me, GO !”
The sound of flesh and concrete colliding paused any noise in the room. The doctor rested his forehead against the concrete.
The doctor quickly straightened himself up and began to walk out the door. The intern followed like a puppy behind its mother. Did they really just leave the door open. No this is way too good of an opportunity for it to be real. And it was immediately as if reading my thoughts someone slipped in. It was a female who immediately when she saw me stood tall. She had olive colored skin and her eyes were green with brown flakes in them. Her eyebrows had creases in between them making her look 3 years older than she probably is.
“ I thought everyone here was transformed,” she whispered, a very bad one at that, as she tried to figure out the situation in her mind.
“Ya, I am kinda of an anomaly to them too so … “ She looked up surprised that I spoke. “So if you’re not one of them how about you help me get out of here. You know, only a suggestion. I’m Rosa by the way.”  She was no longer frozen and headed toward me. She began to tear apart the restraints. How did she do that! I slide out of the chair and immediately collapsed. Maybe ,just maybe, this is why I couldn’t do that. She automatically slid to the ground and picked me up.
“I’m Emma by the way,” the words slid of her tongue with all the confidence in the world.
“ Well Emma do you know a way out or are we just praying to God that we make it out,”
“ Who’s God?,”
“Nevermind. How are we leaving?,”
“ Through the back,”
“ Oh ya, duh the back door that will be crowded with people trying to make sure they catch you,”     
“ Who said anything about a door,” I didn’t like that mischievous smile that had spread across her face.

Well I got to give Emma props for thinking of this. I would have never had thought about doing it movie style and going into the vents.
“Alright a turn here and we will be out of here” she said letting out a sigh.
We burst through and a gleaming sun welcomed us.
“ I’m going to have to knock you out,” said Emma nonchalantly as our eyes adjusted to the sun.
“ Wait a minute, wait a minute , why do you-,” Emma pressed down on my neck. Why do I always get cut off I thought as I slipped back into unconsciousness.

My eyes opened as a wrinkled brown leaf slowly descend to the ground. I propped myself up on my elbows trying the get a look of my surrounding. Am I forest ? How did I even get here? Suddenly everything came back to me about Emma and escaping. I heard voices in the distance as I got up. I hide behind a great big oak tree as the voices approached.
“Emma, there is no one here,” someone expressed with a hint of frustration.
“She’s behind the tree,” Emma retorted.
How the hell did she know that.
“ You can come out,” she said.
I slowly side stepped my way from the tree and into Emma and another girl’s view.
“There she is. I told you.” Emma said irritated.
They both turned to face each other and at the same time began to rapidly begin talking. They were talking so fast that I could only catch snippets.
“ What should we do with her” Emma asked.
“Kill her” the mystery girl suggested.
“ I’m right here” I screamed waving my arms through the air.
They were both thrown off that I had just interrupted their conversation. Guess no one ever told them that if you’re planning to kill someone don’t plan it in front of them. Now it was Emma’s turn to surprise me.
“You are one of us now. You're going to help us fight against the government”

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