Child of Destruction | Teen Ink

Child of Destruction

November 30, 2016
By Mathael BRONZE, Las Cruces, New Mexico
Mathael BRONZE, Las Cruces, New Mexico
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Oh you can't help that. We are all mad here."

“That was a good night of sleep, just perfect for my big trip to England.” I yawned getting up. A knock suddenly came from my bedroom door.
The door cracked open and I heard my mother’s voice float through, “Selene dear, are you awake? You need to get ready quickly because we are ready to go.” I looked at my clock wondering why my parents were ready so quickly. It was already 10 o’clock.
“Mom! Why did you let me sleep in so late? My flight leaves in two hours!” I quickly got dressed and threw open my door. My mother jumped back as I did so, as to not get hit by the door. I ran down the hall to the stairs, skipping every other step, to quickly get something to eat. My mother followed slowly laughing quietly to herself. She probably found my reaction somewhat amusing.
“Selene, don’t forget that you need to go get your stuff.” My father said from the computer, probably working on some random last minute project from his job. “Also make yourself look more civilized.” He said when he looked up at me. I knew my hair was all knotted due to the fact that it was all in my face, as well as my silver hair probably was showing the black roots. I ran back upstairs and brushed my hair as quickly as I could. It took me a little longer to dye my hair again so it was pure silver but I made do.
“I have to hurry up and get to the airport.” I said to my parents while I was packing my stuff into their car. My parents didn’t trust the airport to watch my car so they were taking me, luckily we made it to my plane at the last minute and I was finally on my way to England.

“Louise! Amadeus! Get in here now unless you want to work for all eternity.” I screamed as I flung open the door to my darkened chambers. I could hear them coming well before I could see them.
Amadeus arrived first, “Yes master. What do you bid of me?” The tall, pale skinned person said quietly. His never failing stamina still amazes me.
“I see Louise is slow as usual.” I said looking down the hallway where I could hear her steps hitting the ground in a fast rhythm. “Well I guess she has no hope at being faster than a shadow.”
“Lord, please do not call me a shadow, even if it is true.” Amadeus said looking down.
“Well anyway set up the barrier a plane is going to be passing above us and we don’t want to be seen, now, do we?” I ordered. Amadeus ran to get Louise and to set up the barrier. “That was a close one.” I said as I felt the barrier activate. Sure enough, a couple minutes later the thunder of the plane passed over the castle.

“Hey look at that castle down there. It looks so nice.” I said to the man sitting next to me on the plane. He looked at where I was pointing and then looked at me with a confused expression.
“I am sorry, but I don’t see any castle down there. I only see miles of forest.” He responded. He then went back to his book.
I looked back at the spot where I saw the castle, “What the heck?!” I exclaimed as I saw the castle seeming to be flickering in and out of existence. I then noticed what seemed to be a boy sitting on the roof looking up at the plane. I don’t know why I could see him but I am pretty sure that is was because of his red eyes. The eyes reminded me of blood, I shuddered and looked away when I thought of that. I turned back towards the seat in front when I heard an explosion coming from the front of the plane. Large amounts of smoke poured into the room. Right before I lost consciousness I saw a man wearing a formal tuxedo walking straight out of the fire that had engulfed the plane. When I finally woke up I was in a bed inside what looked to be a wooden shack. “Where am I?” I asked sitting up.
A woman walked into the shack, “Oh, you're awake already. Well, I wouldn’t move yet if I were you. You're not in a good shape.” She said. I then looked down at my body and saw that I was covered in burns and cuts. The woman came up to me and patched up the cuts. She then handed me some clothes and left for me to change. I quickly changed out of my destroyed clothes and grabbed my phone. I was planning to call my parents, only that there was no signal.
I walked outside and towards the woman. “Where am I?” I asked. She only got up and signaled me to follow. We walked into a village, but due to the trees it was very dark and quiet.
“Now, I don’t give a damn on what you do, but I warn you that you should stay away from the castle and don’t bother trying to escape the village. We all have tried and learned that this place is inescapable.” She then went back the way we came.
“Hello?! Is anyone there? I want someone to answer my questions.” I said into the quiet village. Seemingly out of nowhere an old man walked up to me. He just stood there as if waiting for me to ask my questions. “Can you tell me why I should stay away from the castle and where I am?” I asked.
“The castle is a lair for demons and you would most likely die if you entered. As for where we are none of us know for certain.” He said in a scratchy voice. He then walked away leaving me alone. This was a friendly place.
“Yeah as if demons actually exists.” I said to myself, “They are probably some messed up people that are scared of someone so they call him a demon.” I then remembered the boy I saw sitting on the roof of the castle. They can’t be seriously scared of him, he is just a child. I started walking to the castle on a road that seemed to be never traveled on.

“Azazel! Front and center!” I yelled from the throne room where I was laying. I could hear the sound of fire appearing in front of the throne.
“Yes my almighty ruler.” Said a rich and smooth voice. I opened my eyes and saw a man in an exquisite tuxedo standing in the fire.
“Riddle me this Azazel, why did the plane burst into fire after a heat source appeared in the passenger's cabin and had the form of a man?” I asked sitting up to look at him better. He looked away from the ground and looked right up into my eyes.
“I must say Adrian, your cat eyes are the magnificent shade of blood red right now.” He said. That explained it. He wanted to see my eyes darken even more. I scowled at him while he laughed, “I see you figured me out already Adrian. Well there also was a girl on that plane that could see through your barrier, so I would say that it is a win-win.” I ignored him and laid back down. Right after I closed my eyes the sound of the doorbell echoed throughout the hall.

“Hello is anyone there?” I whispered through the door that had opened by itself. I then saw a girl that looked about my age.
“So you want to fight Adrian? Well wimp, I won’t let you pass unless you can defeat me.” Said the girl, “Oh by the way. I am Louise, the demon of war.” She tossed a sword to me, right after I picked it up she charged. By instinct I blocked her blow, however pain radiated throughout my body. I then loss sense of myself and attacked. “Whaa-?! How are you so powerful?” The girl asked as I cut her arms and legs. Blood the colour of sulfur fell out of every cut she received. At last she fell to the floor unable to rise. She then looked up me and said, “Oh. I see now, it is you Michael who is empowering this girl, so you still are angry that Adrian would not return to Heaven and to your side.” She then promptly collapsed. I was about to kill her when out of nowhere a blood-stained scythe knocked the sword of my hand. It placed a single cut on my wrist.
“Michael! That is enough release that girl from your hold!” A voiced yelled. Out of the cut I saw a gold light come from me and it then turned into a woman with white wings. I looked at the person who spoke and saw the boy with red eyes. I collapsed to the ground feeling as if I had ran a marathon.
“Well girl are you going to wake up or not. I thought I chose a much stronger host.” Said a voice that I hated right away. I opened my eyes and saw the woman with wings. “Good your up. I don’t want to give Adrian more reason to not return to my side.” She said. She then promptly got me dressed in what looked to be a ball dress and marched me out of the room. We entered what seemed to be the ballroom and the first thing I noticed was that it was full of weird things. Some looked human while others didn’t, some even had fangs or horns. In the throne that overlooked the room sat the boy, he had a pair of wings as well, one was a wing of feathers as black as midnight and the other was as white as snow. When the woman I assumed was Michael saw the boy she slowed down. Her face was one of pure sadness.
“Oh I see.” I said looking at Michael, “You like that boy.”
She turned to me so quickly and put her hand to my mouth, “If any of these demons hear you say that they will kill us. So shut the hell up.” I pulled her hand away and looked around I then noticed that the food tables were covered with raw meat that oozed with fresh blood. I could only assume that the food was human flesh straight off the body. I then saw that the people here, were indeed demons. They tore at the flesh with claws and fangs and drank the blood. In the corners there were beasts that could only be assumed to be hell hounds, which also tore at meat. The demons came closer to me with hungry looks on their faces.
“Fresh food.” One of them said. It then began to reach out to grab me before it just froze suddenly with a look of fear on its hideous face.
“My lord, Cannibalism, please refrain from eating this human. She is a guest tonight by Adrian’s orders.” Said the voice of Louise behind me. The demon, Cannibalism, snarled at me.
“Why would our lord allow this source of food to be untainted? Has he grown soft for the very things that he hates? If he has then I suggest we take back the crown.” It then turned to the boy. Out of nowhere a sword flew towards the demon.
“I would suggest that you back down Cannibalism.” Louise said holding a sword at its throat. “If you don’t I will gladly add your head to my collection.” With this Cannibalism walked away. After a minute or two a, what seemed to be human walked up to us. He looked me up down before turning to Michael.
He silently laughed to himself,” Well, what do we have here? Is it a friend or foe? It is definitely not a friend.” He then grabbed a goblet from a nearby table. “Shall we have a toast then to the great archangel and the human who has made it to this hall?” To my horror he gave me the goblet which was full of blood.
I turned to Louise, “Who is this person?” I asked. She looked at me and shook her head in pity.
“This is one of the fallen angels from the Heaven’s war.” She said, “His name has been lost to us all even himself.” I turned to look at the man but he was gone. In his place was a hell hound that had blood dripping off of its fur. The hound looked up at me and growled. “Down creature bother us no more.” Louise commanded of it.
“You sure have the assortment of creatures here don’t you daemon?” Michael spat at Louise. They had started arguing when I decided to leave them behind and approach the boy. From what I could tell he is the leader of everyone here. His gaze fell onto mine and seemed to have a sad look to them. He shook his head at me and pointed to the crowd. I watched as one of the demons walked up to the boy and chalked what seemed to be a pentagram. Inside it a man appeared, who was the exact same man who brought down the plane. “Azazel.” Michael spat suddenly behind me.
The man turned to us, “Oh Michael. How good to see you my dear. I hope God has been treated you well. While I was there she seemed somewhat cruel.” He then turned back to the boy. “What do you bid, Adrian. You do know I was working.”
“Adrian! Why do you call upon such nefarious creatures?!” Michael yelled. “Why don’t you return to your sister’s side? God misses you so very much.”
The boy, Adrian, started to laugh, “Misses me? She is the very person who told me to go. She gave me this black wing herself. You see my own sister told me to leave because I am the other child of Chaos. I am Destruction. I am Death. I am Fate.” Everything then went dark. I heard screams. Went we got the candlelight back, blood was everywhere. A head rolled up to my feet. Blood trickled out of its eyes and mouth. At first I could not believe my eyes. It was my mother’s head. In a fury I grabbed a nearby sword and hit it into the ground, then was swallowed by darkness. Out of my back, wings sprouted. One was skeletal, while the other was a white winged stained with blood. I felt arms around me and saw Adrian. “Calm down Selene. You have left humanity behind for you are now the holder of pain and fear. You shall be by my side till you can control yourself. For I can help you and you can free me.” He then sang what sounded like a lullaby and eased me into a deep dark sleep.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this after reading many of Edgar Allan Poe's works. All I hope for is that people will like it and have fun reading it.

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