Tales of the Animi: Revengeance | Teen Ink

Tales of the Animi: Revengeance

October 25, 2016
By NightWings101 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
NightWings101 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Warmth. Darkness. These were the only things I could feel. Who am I? I wondered. What do I mean by wondered? These are the tangled thoughts of a hatchling. I could hear voices. One had a higher pitch, the other, lower. I focused on one voice: the higher one. The word “Mother” flashed through my head. I could not understand them. I did not need to. I only understood one thing: the need to break out of this prison. I rocked back and forth. I pushed. I shoved.
I burst out of my prison. Bits of gooey eggshell surrounded me. I looked up, and saw my parent’s loving faces. One, “Mother”. The other, “Father”. Mother’s eyes were green. Her scales were blue, her horns were white, and her underscales were beige. Father’s eyes were yellow, calming. His scales were black, his horns were white, and his underscales were purple.
“Welcome home, little Frynn,” Mother said, and nuzzled me with her snout.
Frynn. That is who I am. That is my name. And my purpose is to protect.

“Hey! Give me that! That’s mine!” Talonsteps filled the cave as my siblings fought over food, as usual. And I have to stop them as usual.
“Alright, break it up,” I yelled, and took the chicken in my jaws, then tore it in two, “Here.” I said, as I gave them each a piece.
“Thanks, big brother!” the two said in unison, then began to wolf
down the chicken.
Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. Hi, I’m Frynn, and I have six siblings, three brothers and three sisters. And, of course, I’m the oldest of all of them, which means that they get all the attention and never get into trouble, leaving me to clean up after them. Oh well. The two who were fighting are my most mischievous brothers, Ren and Madran. Ren has bluish-green scales, with strange pink color underscales. His wing membranes are also bluish-green, and his horns are white. His eyes are yellow. Madran has reddish-orange scales, with beige underscales, beige wing membranes, and white horns. The only things that stand out are his piercing blue eyes.  The two love to pull pranks, play around and EAT. They eat the most out of all of us. Once, when they were just hatchlings, they thought table legs were edible! They had indigestion for days! Of course I was blamed for “daring them to do it”. Mother and Father can be such jokes sometimes.
The two never leave each other's side, and they LOVE to embarrass us. So much so, it’s no longer sweet or funny. It’s just annoying! Really, really annoying. Now, keep in mind that it may be a way of punishing us for being so costly. After all, feeding seven ravenous dragons, along with themselves, can be expensive and frustrating. So the constant embarrassment is just a way to let go. Anyways, less self-narration, more information. My family lives on Mt. Preamble, in the capital of the country/continent.
The capital is called Draacodance, and our continent is called Esperanza. It’s a beautiful continent, with greenery as far as the eye can see. Suddenly, as if to interrupt my daydreaming, two of my three sisters flew by: Aedith and Raid.
“No flying in the halls!” I yelled, but to no avail.
“We’ll do what we want,” Raid replied. She has almost purple scales, with nearly black color underscales. She’s hard to see at night. Her horns are white, the only thing that stands out in the dark, and black wing membranes. Her eyes are green.
“Yeah, leave us alone,” Aedith added. Aedith has light brown scales, and a beautiful gold-ish color on her underscales. She also has white horns, with orange-ish wing membranes. Her eyes are faded blue.
I sighed. The two of them are twins; and they think that just because they’re only one year younger than me means they don’t need to listen to me. Oh well, it can’t be helped. Now, to describe the cave my family lives in. In the capital, caves dug into the side of the mountain count as homes, and ours could almost be called a mansion. The place has twenty rooms, most of which have nearly nothing in them. Eight of the rooms are bedrooms, obviously, with furniture that the occupant of each room chose to their liking.
There’s not much color, just gray floors, walls and ceilings. The only color other than gray is the furniture, which could be all kinds of colors. It’s a pretty dreary place to be in all the time, so we normally go outside for things other than hunting. We practically live out there! But it’s a fairly cold day today, so all of us are inside. I decided to look for my other brother and sister: Dynn and Orchid. The two can be pretty hard to track down, though they never stray too far from one another. Dynn has green scales, brown eyes, white horns, and blue underscales with sky blue wing membranes. Orchid has sandy yellow scales, with purple-ish eyes, white horns, and beige underscales with light brown wing membranes. 
They’re the youngest: each only 1 year old. This makes them about the craziest and unpredictable duo I have ever met. On the way through the cave, I found that a small stalagmite was dripping water into a puddle on the ground. I stopped and looked at myself through it. I had a small smirk on my face, almost red eyes, and black scales. My horns, big surprise, were white, and my wing membranes were black. I hurried along. As I entered the room that Dynn and Orchid live in, I found it empty. They must be outside. They are the only dragons here that like the rain and getting wet. No one understands why; Dynn and Orchid just say-
“It’s soothing”, and continue with their day. I stomped outside the cave. It smelled like wet pine needles, a nice smell;  and I could barely see through the falling water that came in sheets.
“Dynn! Orchid! Come back inside, it’s dinner time!” I called. But nobody came. It truly was dinner time, I could smell deer roasting. I sighed. I did NOT feel like flying through the rain to find Dynn and Orchid. Storm flying is really uncomfortable. As I walked back in to inform Mother and Father of Dynn and Orchid’s absence, I stumbled into Dynn, standing with Orchid.
“Why were you yelling our names outside, Frynn?” Dynn asked.
“I couldn’t find you in the cave. I know you two love the rain.” I replied, befuddled.
“That we do, big bro, that we do, but it’s too cold today,” said Orchid.
“Yeah, it’s so cold! Our tails could freeze off!” exclaimed Dynn, hopping up and down.
“Well, I’m just glad you two are okay.” I said, and walked into the room we use as the kitchen.
“Hi Mom, hi Dad, just getting some deer.” I said, and quickly grabbed a piece in my jaw before anyone else could take it, then continued to eat it. It was pretty good. Nice and juicy, though I prefer sheep. It has a certain fluffiness that I enjoy. As I finished off the last of the venison, I looked at the table. All of the deer was gone, and I was still pretty hungry. Then I looked under the table, and saw Ren and Madran snickering whilst staring at me. “Where did you put it this time?” I asked.
“W-We put it outside,” laughed Ren, barely able to speak through the giggles.
I sighed. A classic prank. Now the rest of the venison was underneath a spectacular overhang where Ren and Madran often leave things for jokes. I walked out to the entrance of the cave. Surprisingly, it wasn’t raining, but instead the sun shone down and made light shine off of the dewy plants. It was a spectacular sight to behold, even though it hurt my eyes a little. I flew over to the overhang, which was fairly triangle-shaped, with a stalagmite hanging from each corner. The rock had a pearly gleam to it, making light reflect onto it in all sorts of colors.
It was something that my sisters would definitely enjoy looking at, but they never come here. I found the venison, somehow impaled on a stalactite which, when you looked up, pointed almost directly into the center of the triangle. With the venison there, it almost looked like an offering. An offering to me, I thought, and ate it without bothering to take it off the stalactite. The sad thing was, as it sat there, all the juice must have drained from it. Oh well, it still tasted nice. As I flew back to the cave, I looked up, and noticed that it was getting dark out. I landed a little wobbly-I was very tired-and began to walk down to my room.
Ah, my room. I didn’t really have anything in it, just a dusty little pile of scrolls to read if I get bored, and some crunchy-yet comfy-bunches of dried grass to sleep on. I walked over and slept on them.
The next day, a stranger flew into our cave. Now, this wasn’t much of a stranger, just the maildrake. He put a scroll on the ground and left. I opened it, one of my many chores: to ‘get the newspaper and mail.’ It was the newspaper.

Breaking news! Earlier this week, a small town named Animotle, located near the coast of Draacodance, was attacked by the rising power of the Anti-Animi group. This group, having no ability to wield magic at all, despises all users of it, and the town of Animotle is famous for having plenty of magic users in it. The mayor of Animotle was interviewed after the attack, which caused five injuries and six cases of property damage.
Interviewer: “Mr. Mayor, how do you feel about this “Anti-Animi” group?
Mayor: “All drakes have freedom of speech, but this group must be stopped! We cannot allow them to go around and attack towns all because they are unable to wield magic! It simply isn’t right!
Interviewer: “Well there you have it, folks! The mayor of Animotle believes the group must be stopped!

More news next Sunday.

The Anti-Animi Group, I thought, then put the paper on the dinner table. The Anti-Animi Group has always been notorious for protesting in Animus-populated cities, but they had never launched a full-scale riot before. They are rumored to be based in the city of Flann, on top of Mt. Flann. That is where most non-animus dragons go, dragons who cannot use magic like most other dragons. They like to complain-
”ohhhh we’re doomed because all of society is against us…”-stuff like that.
They never really took action until the Anti-Animus group-
Well that was loud, bet everyone’s awake now, I thought, and they were. Smoke was billowing from outside, coming from the main part of the city. I could hear muffled screams, and my family members were running about behind me.
“W-what was t-that?” Dynn whimpered, with Orchid quivering behind him.
“Somebody must be attacking us! Yay violence!” Ren and Madran yelled, almost in perfect synchronicity.
“Just stay calm,” Father said, radiating order.
I sat there, seething with anger over the fact that my city was being attacked, and I imagine that my eyes were blazing.
I walked out the door.
“WHAT do you think you’re doing?” Mother exclaimed, and she looked worried and angered at the same time.
“I’m going to go down there,” I said. “I’m sure some dragons need help down there.”
“No! You are definitely NOT going down there!” Mother yelled.
But I was too far away to hear her. As I flew down to where the bulk of the city was, trees were hitting me in the face, and I could really feel the wind under my wings. It felt nice compared to the icy rage inside me. When I got the the city, I found the source of the smoke. A large hole was blown into a wall around the city. It looked like some kind of explosive, but I was too hurried to think of what.
Suddenly, I could hear wingbeats.
  A large wing of dragons was flying above the city, one brandishing the flag of the Anti-Animi group in their talons. Now I knew who I was fighting. They appeared to be dropping small round objects from sacks that they were carrying onto the buildings of the city, heading towards the castle; where the king of Esperanza sat in his throne. He didn’t do much else, he was just the face of the government.
But the Anti-Animi Group were definitely leading an assassination attempt on the king. I flew as fast as I could toward the wing of A.A.G. dragons. It didn’t take me long, and I tackled the one holding the flag and knocked him out of the air. We fell onto the top of a building, and the flag fell down below us. We started to circle each other.
“Oh look, an ordinary animus. I’m soooo scared!” He laughed, in a sadistically sarcastic voice.
I cannot describe the hatred I suddenly felt. It came in a wave, coursing through my veins. This dragon wanted me, my family, and every animus dead.
I inhaled, and exhaled as hard as I possibly could, expecting to roast the treacherous A.A.G. soldier. But instead, what came out was ice, and I froze him on the spot. Ice? I wondered. Why ice? It didn’t matter. I slammed my tail into the bewildered-looking ice statue, and it shattered, killing the frozen soldier instantly.
I saw the other A.A.G. dragons turn and flee, a look of terror on their faces. It was probably best to let them go, but they would most likely inform their leader of my presence, and apparent ability to breath a deathly “frostbreath.”
I decided to follow them back to what they would call their “base,” and let them lead me to Mt. Flann. Never once did they look back, so I was in complete stealth. It almost felt like a crude joke. I love to keep grudges, and these drakes just roll in, threatening the safety of my family? Then they just LEAVE? I felt that I needed to take things to the source of the problem.
        It began to get darker, and the dragons in front decided to camp for the night, and descended. I dove into the trees in order to be caught, and slept in the branches. The next day, I could see Mt. Flann. The A.A.G. dragons took off, and I followed them again, straight to their base. It was an odd-looking castle-esc building, with 4 towers connected with a large wall. It was beige, and triangle shaped, with one tower in the middle. It was the tallest, and obviously where the head of the A.A.G. resided.
       I could almost see him, sitting there, all smug, picturing the king assassinated and the capital in ruins. But not on my watch. I caught up to the other dragons, and began to silently pick them off. They were distanced enough to not notice, and each time their ice-encased fell and shattered against the earth. They would never be heard from again.
       As I reached the outlook window on the center tower, I heard alarms beginning to go off, then I tucked and barreled through the window. Dragons scattered beneath me in a shower of sparkling glass, too panicked to care about me. This had never happened to them before. The floor seemed to be made of obsidian. It sparkled with a dark sheen in a wide circular room. The window stretched all around it, and I stood on a circular platform jutting from the wall. There was a spiral staircase separating most of the platform from the walls. It had a funnel shaped roof, making a point in the air.
       And in the middle of the platform, a lone throne, which a bewildered-looking dragon sat atop. A look of confusion and utter fear. Perfect, I thought, I have him scared. He should be. I walked toward him, when a look of triumph crossed his face. A cage fell around me. I should have known it would be too easy.
       “Well, well, well, who do we have here?” the dragon asked, slithering towards the bars of my cage.
“It’s the supposed frostbreather, all trapped and alone. Looks like your little journey is over. Whatever will I do with you?” His snout was so close to the bars, then he stepped away in shock. I began to freeze the bars, and snapped them. Just enough for me to escape my confinement.
       I could have killed him right there, couldn’t I? But I, for whatever reason, elected to grant him pity. He was obviously a sad, desperate dragon. So I made a bargain with him.
“If you never come near the capital again,” I said, ”I will allow you to live.” He nodded vigorously, fear taking over his features.
“Now then,”I said, a look of triumph crossing MY face, ”I will establish my insurance.”
       I froze his legs and tail to the floor, rendering him immobile. He cried out in pain, his screams reverberating through the tower, as I flew through the window.
I decided to go home.

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