The Story Of The Demons | Teen Ink

The Story Of The Demons

October 25, 2016
By Spot103 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Spot103 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

…”Where...where...where am I? What happened? Why does my whole body ache with pain?”
The Young Demon Warrior just awoke from coma, with black hair, finding scratches all over his armor, aching with pain, he stood up, very confused.
“Where am I?...Who am I? What Planet is this?”
After he got up and looked around, he found a city, and decided to pay it a visit.
“Dang...where am I? What is this place? I've never seen so many buildings at once before, I've also never seen flying cars, where am I?”
After he Roamed around for a bit, he thought he should start asking people where he was.
“Hey Sir! Where am I?”
“You’re in South City.”
“Uhh...ok, and what planet is this?”
“What kind of question is that!? You’re on Earth...Idiot!”
“Earth? How in the world did i get on Earth?”
Right after he said that, he had a little flashback of where he was from, Planet Diablo.
“That's right! I'm not from this planet! I'm from Planet Diablo! in the world did I get on Earth?”
As the young warrior roamed around, people started noticing something different about him, they started noticing the Warrior had a tail, and that he wasn’t human, people started running away from him, and he had no idea why.
“Hey Sir! Hey Mam, why-? Why is everyone running away from me?!”
He kept asking people why they were running from him, but no one would answer, then...a little 12 year old boy went up to him, and finally told him what was going on.
“Hey Miss...Hey Sir...Hey…?”
“Hello there, you know why people are running from you right?”
“No...who are you? Why aren't you running away from me?”
“Because I’m not afraid, and you realize that you have a tail..right?
“What?...Oh hey look at that, I do have a tail!”
Just right after he noticed his tail, he had another flashback about his Race, his Race was a very strong race, and that his tail meant something, it wasn’t just there for a look, it was there for power, and a very powerful transformation came along with it. His Race was also the most powerful race in the entire Universe.
“Whoa...thats why I have a tail!”
“Why do u have a tail?”
“You see kid, I’m not from this planet, I came from a Race called the Demons, my race is the most powerful race in the Universe, and this tail gives me Power...Lots of Power.”
“’re mainly the Devil?”
“What? No! The Devil is a different type of being, us Demons are actually probably stronger than The Devil!”
“Oh...So what’s your name?”
“My name? I don’t Remember my name.”
“Oh, well then for now lets call you...well...I don’t know...maybe Rick?”
“I’M NOT A PET! But that will have to do for now, and also, what’s your name kid?”
“My name is Larry, Larry Phil.”
“Weird name for a human, but ok”
Just then, Rick felt in something bad was going to happen...then he felt something...getting closer and closer to Earth
“What’s wrong Rick?”
“I...I don’t know...i just have this strange feeling, like something or someone is getting closer to Earth...I can feel it.”
Just then, Rick saw something is the sky, something on fire, and he sensed that someone was in that fire...but who? The both of them saw the figure crash.
“Rick! What in the world was that!?”
“I don’t know, I’m going to go check that out, you, stay here!”
“Stay here!”
Rick ran over the the crash, and noticed some time of space pod, and it was already open, with no one inside it.
“What in the world was that, and where is it?”
“Hey Idiot! Lookup!”
Rick Looked up, and there was somebody floating in mid air! Rick was shocked! But then, he realized that that person, was no person...he realized that person had a tail just like Rick did, Rick realized that person was a Demon too.
“ just going to stand there, or are you coming with me Bardock Jr?”
“What? Who are you!?”
“HA! You don’t even remember me, fine, be like that, I’m Killito, your brother!”
Rick finally had another flashback about his race, Rick’s real name is Bardock Jr, and Killito is really his brother, in reddish and black armor, and that his race had other powers, such as flying, sensing energy, breathing in space, and much more!
“So you just going to stand there like an Idiot, or are we going to blow up this planet?”
“I remember now...I know you are my brother, but we can’t destroy Earth!”
“What are you talking about Bardock Jr!? That’s what we do! Have you lost your Demon pride?!”
Bardock Jr had another flashback about his race, his race was evil, they did blow up planets, if not blow them up then take them over, and Bardock Jr started to feel that evil inside him, growing, and growing...finally, Bardock Jr was convinced, and he flew up to Killito
“Your right Killito, let’s leave this planet, and destroy it!”
“Now that’s the true Demon Spirit! After this, we will take you back to planet Diablo, and tell King Diablo that your training is complete.”
“Yeah, I’ll be sure King Diablo will be happy to see me!”
“Indeed, you are one of the strongest of our Race.”
“Yeah, now let’s go!”
Since now the brothers are reunited, Killito gave Bardock Jr the same armor as he had, black and red, they took off into space with their space pods, but before going back home to Planet Diablo, they still had one more thing to do before they left Earth’s Atmosphere.
“Alright, let’s destroy it…”
“Wait, let me destroy Earth.”
“Why should you?”
“I haven’t blown one up in a long time, it’s my turn Killito.”
“Fine, go right ahead.”
With one big huge ki blast, Bardock Jr destroyed Earth, and all the people along with it...
“Don’t you just love fireworks brother!?”
“Yes, I do, Hahaha! This is glorious!”
After Watching Earth’s Destruction, they finally set there way to Planet Diablo...
      ~1 month Later~
“Bardock Jr...Bardock Jr wake up!!”
“...what, we almost there?”
“Yeah, it will only be a few more minutes.”
“Finally! It feels like it’s been years.”
“It’s only been a month.”
“Oh...well I didn’t know! I've been asleep for the entire trip.”
“So have I.”
With the moment of truth, Bardock Jr and Killito finally landed on Planet Diablo
“Welcome Bardock Jr and Killito, haven’t seen you two in a while!”
“Shut up Zeus! I don't want to deal with your crap today!”
           “Ok, ok, I'm just trying to bring on a conversion Killito.”
           “Sure, and that conversation turns into a broken nose, now beat it!”
           “Whatever...low levels...”
           “WHAT WAS THAT!?”
           “Oh...Bardock Jr...I...I…”
With one blow, Bardock Jr instantly killed Zeus
           “Weakling, I really got tired with that guy”
           “Me and you both.”
           “Bardock Jr! Killito! Get in here! NOW!”
It was King Diablo, calling for Bardock Jr and Killito, for a very special surprise
           “King Diablo, Bardock Jr has finished his training and his mission.”
“You two have done well, so well in fact, that I'm naming you two the Top Elites of our race.
           “Thank you King Diablo, we appreciate it.”
           “Do not thank me, thank yourselves, you deserve to be an Illite, you 2 are the most powerful out of most of the Demon Race, well, except me of course.”
           “Yes King Diablo, trust me, I don't think you made a mistake on this one.”
           “Whatever, now leave!”
While walking out of King Diablo’s room, both Killito and Bardock Jr felt a power level coming straight to Planet Diablo, after a while, other Demons felt it too, and sure enough, King Diablo felt it as well.
           “You feel that too Killito?”
           “Yeah, whatever it is, it's power level is over 15,000.”
           “So what,my power level of over 45,000, yours is over 42,000, and King Diablo’s is over 100,000, we’re fine.”
But as the strange power level got closer and closer, its power level also got bigger and bigger. Finally after a few minutes, Bardock Jr saw a SpaceShip in the sky, and after a while, he started to recognize that power level, it seemed very familiar to him.
“That’s it!”
“That power level I knew I recognized it!”
“What? Who is it?!”
“Killito, you remember that planet you destroyed years ago?”
“Yeah...what about it?”
“Well, that planet belonged to King Devil!”
“King Devil? Isn't that King Diablo’s older brother?”
“Yes, and if i'm right. His power level is over 110,00, just a little over King Diablo’s!”
“Yeah, he’s probably here to get revenge on you for destroying his planet.”
“I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS HIS PLANET!!! And you kind of helped to so I don’t want to hear it”
“Fine we both blew up the planet”
As his Spaceship came and landed, King Devil was the first one out and had a message to the Demons
“Devil!!! You will not destroy this planet, or my Demons, if we have to we will kill you.”
“Hahaha, very funny Diablo, but it’s more likely that me and my army will destroy you!”
“What Army? You have no army.”
“Oh yeah? Then what about...this army?!”
As soon a King Devil said that, his army of Devils came, and a war had started…
“None of you Kill the one they call Killito, hes mine, Kill the rest though!”
“Yes sir!”
“(Gulp) Did...did you hear...that Bardock Jr, hes...hes after...Me!”
“Don’t worry Killito, I’ll make sure you don’t die!”
“Your right! What should I be afraid of, I’m a Demon Warrior! Evil Hearted! Im with the most powerful race in the Universe! I am Killito! And I’m Scared of NO ONE!!!”
“Oh really? So you're the one they call Killito?! Interesting...NOW DIE!”
“Uh oh…”
With one Ki blast, King Devil tried to shatter Killito, Luckily Bardock Jr was there to Stop it, and dodge the blast
“What!? Impossible!”
“Devil, you will die, I will be your worst nightmare!”
“HAHAHAHA! You make me laugh, who are you, a low level!? HAHAHA!”
“ make me laugh too, i’m Bardock Jr, I am the highest ranking Demon here, my power level is beyond most of the Demons here!”
Using a rare technique that most don’t know, King Devil used an Transmission technique, of where you fly through space and time, and went behind Killito, and Killed him.
“I promised him...that he would survive… AND YOU KILLED HIM!!”
“What you going to do, sit there and cry?! HAHA!”
All broke loose when Bardock Jr got mad, he screamed with power ,his Power level was going rapid! His form was changing, his hair was changing! His power level went from 45,000, to 80,000, to 90,000 to 100,000, to over 150,000! His form is a form that no other Demon Knew about! His hair was now Red! With an unbelievable power Level!
“What in the world is this!?!”
“Ha...who scared now Devil!”
“What..what are you?!”
“You can call me...a Super Demon...NOW DIE!!!”
With one punch right through Devil’s Stomach into his back, Devil coughed up a lot of blood, and fell to the ground
“This...this...this is not over...Bardock Jr….This...THIS IS NOT OVER!!!”
“Oh just SHUT UP!”
With one final Ki blast, Bardock Jr Destroyed Devil, and went to go help others kill the Devil’s warriors
~Several Minutes Later~
“Thank you Bardock Jr, i’m sorry of what Happened to Killito, there is nothing we can do.”
“I know, I just, UGH! I promised him that he would survive! And he ended up dying!All Thanks to ME!”
“It's not your fault Bardock Jr, it’s Killito’s!”
“How in the world is it Killito’s?”
“Hes was being too much a stupid idiot! He was a wimp! Scared because Devil wanted revenge. We are Demons! The most powerful beings in the Universe! Not Wimps...And you proved that today, Bardock Jr.”
“Yeah, I guess it was his fault, But that was still my brother! He was the only family I had left!”
“I understand you Bardock Jr, but what was done, has been done...”
After the Destruction of King Devil, The warriors had to repair the destruction King Devil left behind, broken buildings, dead bodies everywhere, Blood, and so on so forth, after they Repaired everything, King Diablo decided to Give something very special to Bardock Jr…
“Bardock Jr! Get in here! NOW!”
“What is it King Diablo?”
“I have decided to give you something, something no one else can get.”
“Oh yeah? What would that be?”
“That would be...the Throne.”
“What!? Why me!?”
“Because you have showed me what a wimp I am, you went to a power no other Demon knows of a Super Demon, when I was your age, a Super Demon was a long Myth, and you turned into one, you are now the strongest out of our race, so you, Bardock Jr, should be King, not me.”
“But, in order to be king, I have to..”
“Kill the King In session, I know, but i have a feeling, that you won't need me anyway, i'm getting too old anyway, my time is near Bardock Jr, and you know that, If you can't kill me...then i'll kill myself.”
“No! I’ve already lost someone, i don't need to loose another!”
“I'm sorry Bardock time is now…”
Bardock Jr didn’t want to Kill King Diablo, so King Diablo Killed himself with an explosion of power.
“King Diablo!!!NOOO!!!!”
“What happened!?”
“Yeah what happened?”
“King Diablo killed himself….because...he wants me to become...the new King of Planet Diablo”
When all the other Demons walked in the room, they didn’t seem too surprised of what happened, they sort of suspected what was going to happen, they knew Bardock Jr was the strongest, they saw it coming.
“Well then...all hail King Bardock Jr!”
All of the Demons shouted “all hail King Bardock Jr!” and bowed and got on their knees.
“Well...then, I guess i’m now the King...we...we must keep this planet safe, we will keep the name of our planet, Planet Diablo, to remember King Diablo, we will also put a statue of him, to remember all of the other King Diablos before him...and me, and from this day forth, We will rise, and show our true Demon Potential! We need to train even harder! We can't give up, no matter what! We will always, and forever be the strongest of the Universe! We are Demons!”
Everyone agreed with Bardock Jr, and he is now the King of Planet Diablo, and will be, from this day forward, he will now, and forever be, the most strongest, powerful being in the Universe...Or is he?

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