The Day The Dead Awoke | Teen Ink

The Day The Dead Awoke

October 25, 2016
By Anonymous

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was raining outside. Even over the tv I could still hear it. I could hear the rain pounding against the house.
I went up stairs and into my room. My walls were a deep green and blue color. I had a twin sized bed on one side of my room. On the other side was a desk. I had a pile of makeup on one side of the desk. Next to my bed was a little stand that had my alarm clock on it. The clock said 7:30  in big green letters.
I went into my walk in closet got a white button down blouse and a pair of skinny jeans with high heeled boots. I went to my desk and put on some mascara. When I looked at the clock it was 7:35. I went down stairs and into the kitchen.
“Where is your phone young lady?” My mom asked. I rolled my eyes.
“Its upstairs. I was going to get it when I went back upstairs to get my bag,” I said trying really hard to not snap.
She walked out of the kitchen. I walked over to the toaster and put a piece of bread in it. I grabbed the jelly from the fridge and put it on the counter. My mom came back out to the kitchen. She had something in her hand but I acted like I didn’t notice. She went to the sink to put her cup in the sink.
I went upstairs and got my bag and phone. I put it in my pocket. I went outside and waited for the bus.

$ $ $

When third period came everyone was in class when all a sudden there was a scream from the hallway. The teacher, Mrs. Williams, ran out of the room and then a second later she locked the door and ran to the phone she was talking so quietly that the people in the front row couldn’t even hear her. When she was done she stood up straight.
“Class there has been,” she took a big breath “some kind of problem in the hallway,”
Something banged on the door. Since I was in the back I could see what it was, but before I could say something David got to it first.
“A ZOMBIE,” David yelled.
All the students got up and ran to the teacher, but I stayed back and kept looking through the door. Then all a sudden there was about all the staff at all the doors. I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around and saw Justi,. One of my friends. He was my height with blonde hair. He was wearing a black t shirt with jeans.He had glasses were almost like a square.
“Come over here, Denalie,” Justin said.
I didn’t budge. A few seconds later I found myself at the door. I put my hand on the doorknob. It was freezing cold. It felt like I ate ice-cream too fast and i got a brainfreeze.
BANG BANG. I heard from the hallway. I  saw some of them collapse. I turned to head for the group. I went over there but I kept tripping and stumbling over the desk and chairs. When I was about half way I heard a loud crash. I looked behind me: there was a tall man with a wooden stick.He was wearing khakis with a black t-shirt on with some boots. He had a haircut that was about short enough that he could almost be bald.
He looked at us. Then he spotted me on the ground he came over to me and put out a hand. I didn’t take his hand I just sat there.
“Now, I don’t bite,” He said with a soft kind voice voice.
I shook my head for a no thank you, and I stood up. I walked over to the group and saw how scared they were. The man looked at the teacher, and smiled.
“Now darling I thought your students in third period were very nice, but loud. I didn’t expect that one to be so quiet,” he looked at the teacher.
“Bob, be respectful that one is Denalie. I told you a lot about her now didn’t I,” She said walking up to the man.
He nodded then whispered something in her ear. She nodded as if in agreement. She faced us and waved to us for us to follow them and then she put her finger to her mouth to tell us to be quiet.  When we got out and into the hall there were bodies everywhere. I went up to Justin.
“I have to go to my locker,” I said looking at him.
“What? now?” When he said that it made me feel like a big idiot.
“Well, I can’t  go around in these shoes,” I said pointing to my high heel boots.
He was thinking about it. Then he looked at me. And then my shoes. And back and forth for a few times.
“ Fine. Let’s go. We have to be quiet though,” He said while turning around, and then he started walking to where my locker was.
We turned a few turns and found more bodies on the ground. I looked at them and then stopped right in my tracks. I saw my friend lying in the floor. I could tell she was dead because there was a big red puddle by her neck.
I ran to her lying on the floor. She was still alive but she wasn’t going to make it. I stared at her and I saw the light die out of her eyes, and I knew she was gone. I stood up and ran to Justin.
“She’s gone, Justin. Aubrey is gone,” I started crying.
Justin was standing there holding me in his arms. A few minutes later I stood up and started walking to my locker. Justin was behind me walking a little slow. Then i heard him stop, so I turned around. I saw him staring past me. I was about to turn around when Justin spoke.
“Don’t move. There is a zombie heading towards us,” He said.
I heard a little growl behind me, and then feet shuffling behind me I turned around and saw a zombie. The thing looked like the art teacher Mrs. Dean, but I couldn’t move so I just stared at the zombie. Then someone jumped in front of me. It was Shandrea. She was tall unlike me. She had long brown hair. She had  two sharp pencils in her hand she ran to the zombie and jumped up and stabbed the zombie in the shoulders. The zombie grabbed her and she tried to get away. I tried to run to help her but Justin was holding me back. The zombie leaned its head back and then forward and bit her. Then Shandrea’s body hit the floor she was saying run as she was laying there but I could not move. My legs would not let me run. I stood in the same spot as I saw the light drain out of her eyes. The zombie looked at us and started running towards us. We turned and ran the opposite way. When we turned the corner there were four zombies in the hallway they saw us and started running towards us too. We turned and ran into a room and closed the door and locked it. I ran to the phone and tried to call for help, but the lines were dead.
“We have to get out of here, Justin. Like now.” I stopped for a second, “Do you know how to jumpstart a car, Justin,” I said staring at him.
He looked at me. Then said, “You're crazy Denalie,”  he was shaking his head.
“Thats our only way out of hear. Please Justin,” I said picking up a chair.
“What are you doing, Denalie,” He said looking at me with a concerned look on his face.
“We are going to kill them on our way to the science room. They have a secret car there that I know about.They don’t know I know.That is how we are leaving,” I said while I threw the chair at the wall.
It broke and there were four sharp points. I handed two to Justin, and I walked out the door. There was a zombie coming up behind me. I turned in a circle and at the same time I cut it with metal. It fell to the ground with aloud thud. I turned and saw that zombie was trying to grab my foot. I lifted up my foot and stomped on its head a few times. I started to head towards the science room. When we turned the corner I saw Mrs. William, Bob, and some students getting attacked by zombies. I ran to the rescue. I started to slash and stab the zombies. I could hear more coming.
“Follow us,” I said running into a room. The walls were a bright green color.
“Throw chairs at the wall and grab sharp pieces of metal. I mean everyone,” I said leaving the room.
“Denalie, where are you guys going?” I heard Mrs. Williams ask.
I ignored her. We turned a few more hallways. I ran to my locker. I couldn't remember my code.
“It's 4-35-12,” Justin said.
I unlocked it. My shoes are gone. All I had in there was my bag and some shorts and a tank top with flip flops. I grabbed them.
“We have to go to the gym. My shoes aren't in here,” I said trying not to frown.
Thank goodness the gym was near my locker. I ran to the gym and went down stairs. I could hear Justin following me. I went into the locker room and got into my locker.
“Who's locker is this,” Justin asked pointing to a locker.
“Britney’s,” I said.
Britney was Justin's sister.I heard a laugh behind us. I turned and there was Britney.
“Speak of the devil,” Justin said.
She  was super blonde and was skinny. She had a rockstar’s body. A lot of girls were jealous of her, but not me. She was wearing the worlds shortest skirt ever made for our size. Her shirt covered the upper half of of her stomach.
“Aww now Justin. Why do you think of me like that?” She said with a smirk on her face.
When she Justin didn’t giver her an answer she came up to me and looked me up and down and then left the locker room. I pulled my sweatshirt and some sweat pants. I got my shorts and shirt, and went into the bathroom and changed into the shorts and tank top. I came out and saw Justin looking on his phone. I went up behind him and saw what he was doing. He was writing some notes. Then he turned around.
“Ready,” he asked.
I shook my head. I grabbed the weapons and grabbed my gym bag and put the sweatshirt and sweatpants into it. We started heading out of the gym.
“We should go to the cafeteria and get lots of food to take,” I said
“Ok. That's fine,”
We headed out of the gym. The cafeteria was right across from the gym. When we got inside I headed to the back where all the food was kept. I got us everything that didn’t need to be warmed up or what had to be kept cool. When I got back out to where the tables were Justin was gone. I looked everywhere. I headed for the science room.

                        $           $              $
When I arrived I saw Justin trying to Hotwire the van that was kept. It was one of those vans that news shows had, but the color was black. I put the items in the back of it.
“Are you close to starting it?” I asked walking to where he was.
Then all a sudden the van started up. I heard a little growl behind me. I turned around and there was a few zombies coming into the room. I held up the weapons. And I ran to the first two and sliced them. Then the second two was on the floor crawling. I stomped on them. Then they stopped moving. I walked to the van and got in the driver seat.
“Oh no you ain't driving,” Justin said
“Just get in before more come,” I said pointing to the passenger spot.
He got in. I backed up and busted through the walls of the school. I got on the main highway and drove. I know this isn't the end. It's only the beginning of the apocalypse..
“Wow, look it's the cure. See,” he said handing me a clear container that had bright green liquid that almost looked like water mixed with oil. The container was round and at the ends was gray. Inside the container was a two long twirls that intervened with each other. That spot was where the green liquid was held in.
“We could put this in water, and tell people. How many are there, “ I said as he was going back there.
I looked in the rear view mirror, and saw that he was opening everything in the van.
“Our school started the apocalypse, Denalie. We could end it,” He said.
I stepped on it and he came back up to the front and sat down and buckled up. I headed for the radio tower to tell the whole world about the cure.
                          $                $              $
It has been a couple of years since the apocalypse has started. We told the world about the cure we put in the water. The apocalypse was dying down now.
Justin and I found a beautiful abandoned house. We moved in it. It was the color of light blue. Inside the walls were a bright yellow with blue stripes. There was already furniture in it. The bedroom were we laid was a black wall with bright paint splatters.
Since the apocalypse we had been doing just fine. There are some zombies in the world, but they were acting like normal civilized people. We have one living with use. It helps clean the house, makes dinner, watches our dog when we are gone.
Ever since then things has been doing just fine.

The author's comments:

Denalie and Justin deal with an apocalypse and find the survival of the zombie apoclypse

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