The Destruction of the Castle of Fazer | Teen Ink

The Destruction of the Castle of Fazer

October 25, 2016
By Soulfeeder BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Soulfeeder BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Slam! Traive, the assassin, heard a noise coming from upstairs in his hidden training area. Traive was only fourteen years old, he wore an old dark ragged cloak and a battered helmet, and he was getting paid by using his power of invisibility to eliminate his enemies.
”Who could’ve found my training camp!” thought Traive angrily.
He hurried up to the top floor pulling out his smoke bomb and dagger on the way just in case he needed it, but to his surprise he found Thrall, his boss, who was getting shoved to the floor by his over excited dog Grant. Thrall was thirty years old, he wore a dark blue cloak that covered his face and he was a skilled assassin who was being Traive’s mentor.
“Thrall,” asked Traive, “why are you here?”
“I  was just coming to see when you were ready to go to the castle,” Thrall said.
“Well,” said Triave, “I guess we did need to go visit the king eventually to see if we needed to do anything.”
On there way out Traive thought he heard something outside, but he couldn't tell for sure. As he walked outside he could see that his surrounding was a little bit different. His base was usually hidden under a rock where he had laid a huge open area for his training, but for some reason the rock wasn't there anymore and anyone who would happen to walk by would find his base. All around the base were stones of all different sizes and green grass that was impaled everywhere by deadly sharp arrows from the last fight. On one side of the grass was an astonishing castle named Castle Liandry’s. Castle Liandry's had bright shining stone bricks for the walls, and had a huge moat that they would put their wooden drawbridge over to get everyone inside. Inside the castle were tons of warrior training camps and the king, King Liandry’s, own personal throne room. But on the other side of the grass was Castle of the Fazer. The castle walls were made of dark dull bricks that seemed that the closer you got to it the darker it got. Inside the castle was much the same there were many warrior camps and a throne room for their king, King Fazer. As Traive was waiting for everyone else to come out of the base he noticed something else was wrong, but he couldn't tell what.
“Wow that took you awhile to get out Thrall,” said Traive
When they were one their way to go to the castle Traive knew what was wrong ,in front of them was an enemy assassin with his bow locked and ready to fire.
“Come with me or die.” said the mysterious assassin in a ghostly voice.
Traive started running away,and to his luck the assassin wasn’t at aiming and Traive was able to go invisible. He rushed over to the assassin who was trying to locate where Traive was and slammed him to the ground knocking the assassin out.
“That was easy,” said Traive.
“Hey Thrall let's get Grant to see if he can sniff anything out,” said Traive.
They couldn't tell who this man was, but they were able to find that he was from the Castle of Fazer
“Hey Traive I think I found something!” yelled Thrall excitedly.
Thrave went over to check it out, but to his surprise it was only a piece of paper. When he opened the paper it had a list of instructions:
Go to the assassins base which I have located under the giant rock in the battlefield
Bring him to me at the back of the castle
Don’t tell anyone
Be stealthy
Traive and Thrall left leaving Grant behind to take care of the base and the man while they went to the place the mysterious writing asked for the assassin to bring them to him , but nobody was there.
“Where is he,” asked Traive, “he said he would be here?”
“I don’t know,” Thrall said, “maybe we should, ahhhh...!”
Traive could see Thrall being dragged by something into the shadows.
“Thrall!” yelled Traive, “are you ok!”
Then out of the shadows he could make out a figure running along the wall dragging a body.
“Show yourself!” Traive demanded.
As soon as Traive said that the figure disappeared leaving a terrified Traive standing there.
Traive ran back to his base as fast as he could only to find the assassin on his way out and his poor dog on the floor not moving at all.
“Grant!” screamed Traive horrified racing to help his pet.
Traive realized that the assassin had gotten away, his dog was badly injured, and his boss was taken away by a mysterious shadow, but worst of all he could hear the horrible sound of trampling feet coming his way from both directions. He looked and saw that a war between both sides was about to begin. Traive rushed to the Castle of Fazer to search for Thrall going as fast  as he could, but he wasn’t fast enough, the drawbridge to the Castle had closed right before he was able to get in. He decided to run around the castle to the back of it where Thrall was taken away and he was surprised when he saw a small door in the wall. He quickly got into his invisibility to see if he would be able to make it to the king to ask for Thrall’s release.
Traive continued onward into the Middle part of the castle where the king would be, but to his surprise the king wasn’t there instead it was the shadowy figure sitting in the throne. He seemed to be waiting for Traive to show up. Traive could now see that the man was tall and wore a dark blue cloak with a hood to hide his face.
“Hello there Traive,” said the mysterious figure.
“Who are you, and where is Thrall,” demanded Traive in anger.
“Who I am is none of your concerns, but the men behind you are your concern.” said the mysterious man.
Traive turned around and found 5 guards rushing towards him, but Traive was quick enough to take out his smoke bomb and throw it on the ground making nothing visible in the Throne room giving him a chance to escape. Once Traive was able to see again he realized he somehow got into the dungeon, and for some reason it only had one room. He quietly pulled out his dagger in case something dangerous was behind the door. He opened the door very slowly and to his surprise he found the cloaked figure waiting for him in the room.
“Where is Thrall!” demanded Traive getting his dagger ready to fight if needed.
“You will know very soon,” answered the man pulling out his huge longsword he must have grabbed on the way here.
Traive rushed at the man and swung his dagger hoping to deal some damage, but to his surprise the man dodged all his moves.
“I have practiced enough to dodge some whimpy attacks,” said the assassin.
Traive turned invisible as soon as he said that to see if he could get a surprise hit, but as soon as he turned invisible he knew how the man got here before him.
The man had extreme sight letting him see threw the smoke bomb and allowing him to see through Traive’s invisibility.
Suddenly the assassin ran over to Traive and without giving him a chance to react and slammed the side of his sword on the top of his head knocking Traive out. A few hours later Traive was slowly waking up feeling his head aching in pain from the battle earlier.
“Traive you up yet?” asked Trall.
“I think so,” said Traive slowly, “what happened?”
“All I know is that a few hours ago they locked you up here in this tower with me.” answered Thrall.
As Thrall finished talking they heard the door open and the man appeared at the doorway.
“Come downstairs,” demanded the man, “and don’t try anything to get away.”
As Traive and Thrall were walking down they could see that the man seemed to be bringing them to a torture room. Traive ran as fast as he ever has to the man and knocked him out.
They ran out of the castle as fast as they could.On their way out they were getting slowed down by almost everyone, because they were located in the middle of the castle all the guards were trying to get rid of them, but Trall and Traive were able to get passed them. Rushing to the door Thrall opened the gate only to find that all the troops from the Castle Liandry’s were trying to break in. Traive rushed out of the castle with Thrall by his side before any of the people from castle liandry’s could bring them back in running for the base as fast as they could, dodging all the arrows and rocks that stood in there way only to find his hidden base was destroyed and Grant lying on the ground not moving at a muscle.
“Grant!” both of them yelled simultaneously.
Traive zoomed over to Grant, and checked him to see if he was alright. Traive bandaged Grant’s leg and they all went to sleep in the grass.
The next day all of them went to Castle Liandry’s to get help for Grant, but to their surprise they found  King Liandry waiting for them.
“You have saved all my people and helped us destroy the Castle of Fazer by disabling the master assassin for the fight and opening the door from the inside to get us all in,” said King Liandry, “we saw that your base was destroyed so we made you a new base behind the castle.”
Traive and Thrall walked to the back of the castle, and to their surprise the base wasn't a house coming out of the ground, all they could find was a giant rock just like the one that he had for his old base.

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