The journy | Teen Ink

The journy

October 25, 2016
By blaineshumaker21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
blaineshumaker21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Long time ago in a village called Riverwood, there lived a boy named Stryder. He lost his parents when he was very young. He lives with his grandparent for years now he never knew what happened to them. As he was growing up he would help around village helping the trading post getting resources to sell and helping farms.These lands are very peaceful when the dark lord was defeated after the great war.
For years here has be nothing wrong but, Then someone heard a roar of an orc coming from the forest of fangorn.The forest is filled with evil creatures like orcs, goblins, and trolls. The village built a wall around their village when there was the Dark Lord. the people were scared so they left the village to go to the city of falkreath, one of the greatest cities ever. They had one of the biggest and greatest armies in the land. Some people stayed at the village. I asked someone to take my grandparent to the city with them. I stayed so i could bring things to the city. I didn't want them to help because they're so old and fragel. Before my Grandpa left he gave me the his bow he used in the great war against the dark lord's army.
By the next morning i was on my way to the city. It took him to days to get there. As he got there he found out that his grandparents were killed by orcs. He thought to himself, what will he do now. He could barely sleep thinking about his parents and his grandparent. He finally thought to himself that he would track do the monsters who did this and their leader. Got supplies by the next day he tried to leave but one of the guards stopped him. The guard said” you can't leave with all the evil out there”.  Styder said” why not, i'm killing all orcs and the leader for what they did”. The Guard look at him and said”killing them isn't going to solve the problem, go home”. He left and thought about how he was going to get his revenge. The next day he went to the general of the army and asked to join. He said he couldn't he is to weak.
At first he didn't want to do it but he as to sneak out at night, but to get out the gate he has to take out the guard. He waited for nightfall. He got to the gate, he was really nerves. Then he did it he choked out the guard and slip through the gate and then what surprised him is that some other people had the same idea. There was a total of nine people. One guy he remembered from Riverwood. It was john, they were very good friend. “What are you doing out here” john asked “orcs killed my grandparents so im getting revenge”. “They killed my sister”. They both went together to the forest. They set up camp at the edge of fangorn forest. An hour later when stryder is passed a sleep john waked him up and said”get up get up” i got straight up and looked around he seen goblin running towards him. He grabbed his bow and started shooting them.John grabbed a big shiny sword and killed the one he didn’t shoot. Then the rest scattered because the noticed they were too strong.
They were on there way. John found a note one of the goblins dropped. It said kill the human at the edge of the forest and then meet me at the old watch tower by the whit river. “John what is it” it was a note that told were the orcs will be at night stryder read it” we have to get there” he said. John said “how”.


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