Deadly Zhou | Teen Ink

Deadly Zhou

October 25, 2016
By Christian81 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Christian81 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever been affected by a disease that is very deadly like the Ebola virus? A scientist named Gerald Hopsin is trying to figure out how in the world to stop this disease that is spreading rapidly from Europe to other countries. Zhou is also causing the victim to feel very angry, strong, and makes them act like a zombie. Gerald plans to kill off this disease very soon with his buddies that are also scientist’ and their names are, John, William, and Jackson.
Gerald and his buddies are at their science station in Colorado in the United States of America. They have been up since three o’clock in the morning trying to figure out what symptoms will show and how many days it will take to be noticeable. The scientist are going to take a trip to Europe to examine one of the patients that have been affected by the Zhou disease.
This disease Zhou has already killed 1,930 people in just 2 months, which was outrageous! The disease can be a bigger problem if people are not washing their hands and cleaning them properly. The disease is also causing the victim to bleed from their mouths and ears. Zhou is more effective than Ebola, because there is no cure for it yet but still spreading rapidly.
John thought if he had a patient that was affected by the disease to come to their science station that had been killed by the horrifying disease  it would be quite easier to see how the disease starts and how it affects the human body so that if they get a cure for the disease quick enough maybe they won’t have to worry about seeing other people die from Zhou. Another thing is if they cure the disease quick enough they won’t have to worry about thousands of people dying.
Gerald thought inside his head “ Maybe if we combine our team with other scientist and doctors we might be able to create better ideas and maybe even get further into this deadly situation”.
John and Jackson are watching the news and they see that the Zhou disease has spread to three different countries already. So now they are more worried and feel rushed to get the cure for the disease so they jump up and sprint to their cars and both drive to the supermarket to get lunch.
“Maybe if we just get our tickets, to go to England and examine the deceased bodies of victims affected by Zhou maybe we can get the vaccines and cures for it”, George said excitedly.
“Yeah, we agree with you”,  the scientists agreed.
So later on that day they bought tickets to get their flights booked for tomorrow so they can get their stuff packed and ready to go but they also forgot to book hotels for the time they are in England. So they all came back home, because it was their day off and they were going to try to work on the cure so then they just decided to we all pack up so we don’t have to worry about tomorrow when the time comes.
The next day they wake up at 4 o’clock in the morning so that they can be prepared for the flight and everything else. George said, “Why don’t we tell the local news to be aware of the Zhou disease and explain to them why hands need to be washed, sneezes need to go into a tissue, and coughs covered.”
Jackson replied “ I would not have any problem doing that, but should we do a presentation that we’ve done previously so it goes quick and we don’t miss our flight.”
George also agrees but and  “ What time do we plan on going there because the flight is at 7 o’clock in the afternoon and we can not miss our flight especially, because we have four other different groups that are going to be helping us try to figure out how to stop, cure, and get vaccines for Zhou.”
“ Well, we could go around 7 o’clock in the morning if everyone doesn’t mind I’d just love to keep the community safe.” Jackson replied.
“Sure, why not?” Everyone agreed.
So later on they started to get packed up and went to go to  their local news station in New York, New York. After the presentation for safety guides they now are going England to try to investigate the disease.
Now they have arrived to England and are examining a deceased body that had been affected by Zhou. First thing they saw were red bumps all over the body. Gerald tries to think about how this could be done and how it could stop the disease as soon as possible. So Gerald sent out a ton of a masks so that if you are affected by Zhou you do not give it to others by sneezing, coughing, or just any way to spread germs. Gerald and his buddies are working with other doctors, scientist, to figure out what the symptoms were and the Scientist that were already in England had figured out the symptoms which are bleeding out the ears, mouth, nose, and diarrhea.
Two days later Gerald, Jackson, William, and John, went to the store and bought a few gatorades and brownies then went back to work. William had slipped and poured the gatorade on the deceased body and noticed that the body had been clearing up and the bumps had been going away. They all made an assumption that if they get everyone to drink a gatorade or bathe in gatorade there will not be Zhou everywhere. So they had notified every local news station that everyone should drink gatorade or bathe in it either works. Soon or later the head guy of all the scientist in the world was also there because he works in England that has a name of Antonio, email and met up with the scientist and told them that he was blessed that the tragedy of loss of lives were not a big as the ebola virus had killed.
Gerald and his team were proud of each other for stopping the disease which was their goal to get done and they achieved it well. They killed of the disease in the matter of seconds and now more people are drinking gatorade and now are choosing to drink healthy instead of drinking pop which caused the disease to spread, because they had not cleaned the pop well enough. Gerald loves to keep the communities safe and he did what he always wanted.

The author's comments:

The Ebola virus and do not rush things even though it may affect somenone.

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