The Switch | Teen Ink

The Switch

October 25, 2016
By Baylee6 BRONZE, Warsaw, IN, Indiana
Baylee6 BRONZE, Warsaw, IN, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The mind and body are two fascinating things. But think about this... what if you weren’t really you. Your mind didn’t match your body, and your body didn’t match your mind. I am Zachariah Jackson and that question has been in my head for a while now. At the age of 16 I am just a curious, mind wondering teenager. So the real question is,what would it be like if my mind was in a girl’s body, and my body was with a girl's mind?
“Gender switch Maximum” the TV preppy ad lady was introducing the newest machine of 2037.
“OH MY GOSH, KENDAL COME HERE NOW!” Kendal is one of my best friends,she has been since the 2nd grade. We do almost everything together,our families even consider each other family. Now that the “Gender switch Maximum” has came out , it looks like we will be spending more time together. I have been dreaming of this day , the day the amazing , life changing , once in a lifetime opportunity, the  2037 newest,top ranked machine has finally came out.I will finally be able to complete my dream,”The Switch.”
“Kendal when do you want to start?”
“Sooner the better, was there directions or any papers that came along with the machine?”
“Yeah, but I have been reading online about it , so I know a little about how to operate it and stay safe.”
“The Maximum ” came in a huge black box shaped like a cylinder,with pink and purple stripes on the edges of the box.It stood about 6 to 7 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide.The box read “Gender Switch Maximum 2037” with a catious list underneath.The machine wasnt the cheapest thing ever, estimated about $11,550 with everything.It had 4 different settings , girl to boy switch, boy to girl switch and them both switched back to their ornignally gender.
   The first step of the gender switch was to learn how to operate it and read the entire book of rules.Kendal was going to be the first one to be switched,so she began reading out loud to me  “ First , make sure you have no metal on you ,no cellphones ,nothing in pockets...” and it
continued for about two and half pages. She continued to read “How-To-Operate , first you will go into the machine , stand still, take your glass of juice handed to you, and slowly fall asleep.”
I thought to myself wow this is going to be very hard and is going to put me on the edge of my toes.
As she continued I listened carefully. “Then the operator must turn the red knob all the way down , then switch the blue button to pink or reversed depending on gender,  then wait 15 minutes .When 15 minutes is up pull red knob up and open door , and you will see your switched product.”
“Wow,Kendal this is going to take a lot of patience and focus , are you ready?”
“Couldn't be more ready,let's get going!”
   Kendal then took everything off that needed to come off , took a deep breath ,took a step into the maximum and had a sit. There was a small glass of orange , thick , nasty smelling juice sitting beside her . She took 1 big swallow and in less than a minute, she was fast asleep.The machine then connected 3 wires on her head and 4 on her legs.
  The machine was suppose to switch Kendals mind into a guy's body. The only way this was able to happen is if we followed all the directions carefully , and did it step by step.The scarey thing is , people's lives have been taken on machines like these.Where they drink the juice , then never wake up. No , that would never happen , how could that be possible , no way in 100 years would that ever  happen. I just kept thinking, and thinking to myself . 
   Five minutes had passed and Kendal is still knocked out and ready to be switched.As the directions state I switch the button to pink, and slowly pull the red knob down. The machine starts rumbling and making this loud noise almost like a tractor.Generally , starts getting louder and louder then narrows down to a humming bird sound.
  Fifteen minutes passed by of nasgnting sounds and annoying clacking . I walked over to the machine with the feeling of butterflies , the disgusting gut feeling in the bottom of my stomach telling me  something bad went wrong. Oh my gosh, what if she isn't awake, what if It didn't work, what if she is injured? Questions after questions passed through my head has my hand was on the red knob.I slowly,carefully push the red knob down , the door comes flying open, with white smoke filling the room. “AHHH,oh my gosh I'm in a guy's body , Zachariah, this is,is,is AWESOME!”
“Kendal, it worked , my dream worked!”
“You have no idea what I'm feeling right now,this
is the coolest thing, almost kinda creepy, but oh my gosh I'm so humbled.”
“How long do you want to stay like this ?”
“Depends ,how long can I stay like this untill it gets unsafe?”
“As long as you want the directions never said anything about it.”
“Then a couple days, this is fun and I want to experiment some things in a guy's body.”
  Kendal was now in a guy's body with her own mind. I in the other hand was kind of creeped out but freakishly fasnited.In a couple days or whenever Kendal wants to switch back , we will have to switch the machine to the other mode and repeat the same steps.There was a big panel on the back with the different modes the machine contained and all I had to do was switch it to the one we needed and we could switch Kendal back.
  A couple days went by and Kendal was ready to switch back. She was done realizing how it was to be a guy.She was beyond disgusted and amazed. So then we started to follow the same directions and steps as before.Take everything that needed to come off off,sit in the machine, and drink the juice.I already switched the mode in the back , so all that was left was to push red knob down.I set my hand on the knob and carefully pushed down. The machine once again made the rumbling tractor sound that got louder by the second.Although , this time it was louder than last time , way louder , and it wouldn't stop…. Fifteen minutes passed and the machine had not stopped . Had not stopped  with the annoying, super loud tractor noises and rumbling. What was going on, why was it not stopping , the directions said fifteen minutes and it would be done. I kept thinking and thinking. “BOOM” the sound of the maximum went and all you hear is crackling like the sound of a fire burning .Then the smell , the smell of fire and smoke came to my nose. I was shocked as the room started filing with smoke from the side of the maximum .What did I do wrong . I was only thinking about that .
Kendal came out of the maximum perfectly fine. Not injured , nothing , she looked just the same as she went in.... That's the problem she looks the same. “Zach I didn't switch back, why am I still in a guy's body?”
“Kendal what do you mean?”
“I am still in a guy's body , where is my body ?”
“No,no Kendal this isn't good , read this.”
“Kendal I don't know, your the one that read the directions in the first place , you should've seen it.”
“Your the one who told me it was perfectly fine to stay like this for a couple days .”
“Well let's just says what it says to do and get help.. IMMEDIATELY!”
I run upstairs and grab the kitchen cellphone , dialed the number on the back of the directions book and waited for someone to pick up.”Hello” this man with a really deep voice answered.
“Hello, this is Zachariah Jackson and I'm having a slight problem with the gender switch maximum.”
“What's yours problem ma’am”
“Well , my friend Kendal here, she didn't switch back within thirty minutes and now we can't switch her back.”
“You need to first put her back in the machine and give her that orange juice that was in there.”
Kendal walks back into the maximum and takes a seat , swallows a sip of the nasty , thick , looking juice and is out in a snap.
“ Okay sir, she is knocked out.”
“Good, now push red knob down.”
I place my right hand on the knob , while my left is still on the  phone . I grip the knob and slowly pulled it down. The machine isn't the same its making a soft, gentle, wind breezing noise. Almost like a fan would make.
“Okay sir, did it.”
“Now, you need to push the knob up halfway and leave it there, until you hear a loud clacking noise.”
I take the knob and slide it up halfway and let it go with an butterfly feeling in my stomach once again. After a good four minutes , the clacking noise is coming on.
“I hear the clacking noise sir.”
“Good, now push the  knob up and the doors should fly open and your friend should be good to go.”
I did as he directed and Kendal walks out.
“Wow it was a mess In there, I was awake half the time.”
“Sorry Kendal , a lot had to happen to get you back to yourself!”
“Ya that was a blast!, we need to write a report on this !”
   I am Zachariah Jackson and not only did this day bring me closer to my best friend, but it made my dream come true. My dream of “The Switch”. I can officially say it worked. It might have not worked at first , but it worked . My next dream is getting more and more tenagers out and doing things, and now they can experience the beauty in technology and science , with a hands on activity. I will always consider the maximum a part of me. I am Zachariah Jackson and I had a dream .






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