Refuse It All | Teen Ink

Refuse It All

October 17, 2016
By Sharielle BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sharielle BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Refuse It All

They clustered in the room waiting for the clock to turn. When they saw movement everything went silent. As time dwindled she knew exactly what she had to do.

‘I refuse’ she whispered and they held their breaths as time seemed to slow down. “I refuse.”

“NO!” she screamed and opened her eyes. Next thing they knew she was running like the wind. Each and everyone of them stood their in pure shock. She ran far and fast as if she was being teleported throughout the building. She ran until she couldn’t anymore. Her frail legs gave out eventually and she came crumbling down to the floor. She was exhausted beyond compare.

It took her a while to realise where she was. She was in the middle of nowhere yet totally surrounded. Buildings clouded her image of trees and people scrambled to get around her. She knew not where she was or how she got there, and she was totally lost.

"HEY COME BACK!" She heard someone say and saw a man in a lab coat running to her followed by an army of men and women. Without any further thought she sprung to her feet and ran into the crowd.

Looking back she noticed she couldn't see them anymore. She thought she was safe but that wouldn't last long. Her mind was telling her one thing and giving an image of how it should be, but her eyes saw something different.

This isn't the same place she knew and loved. This isn't the same time.

Soon enough she was consumed by darkness. There was a sudden bright light and she was in a bed. The people around her wore black and no one looked at her straight on as if it was too painful to see her.

"What even is this madness?" She said and no one listened to her. "Very well then, don't listen to me."

She looked upon her body and noticed she was different now. Her entire image changed.

"Bloody hell..." she whispered to herself when she saw the amount of wires in her body. She started plucking some out until she felt someone touch her shoulder. When she looked no one was there.

"Well that's not strange at all." She said and shrugged off the feeling. She removed another wire and her body felt numb.

She finally realised what was happening. As if a truck full of her thoughts and memories broke down and everything went flying out of it. It's all clear now.

"No.... no!" She repeated over and over again. "It's too soon! I can't go. No! I refuse! Let me free."

She felt another hand on her shoulder and shuck that off too. Multiple hands found their way onto her human and she felt suffocated. She screamed out for help but
no one listened. Everyone kept their gaze down and continued with their day. It was like she was there but she really wasn't. She looked deep within the crowd of soulless creatures and saw the man dressed in white looking her in the eyes.

He mouthed something to her and her eyes grew wide.

Suddenly, she was back in a dark room where she couldn't even see her hands. All she could do was hear the clock tick and the machines beep.

But she still refused.

The author's comments:

This is my microfiction. It's open to any interpritation that you want! 

I wrote this in the perspective of a middle age women going against what life has planned for her. She's running away from her problems and no matter what she does she still won't succeed. All she can do is refuse and see how long she can post pone the event. Sadly, it will never work. 



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