Short Story - Aquaphobia | Teen Ink

Short Story - Aquaphobia

June 2, 2016
By Cal-M BRONZE, Gresham, Oregon
Cal-M BRONZE, Gresham, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

With book still in hand, he unknowingly nodded off into sleep which was not unusual for he was often sleep deprived due to the grief he suffered with the lose of his mother. Surrendering to sleep would always start off with a quiet slumber of nothingness that would suddenly accelerate into a dreamland of fear. This time the dreamland was even more fanciful as the sound of his name being called by the soothingly familiar voice of his mother drew him deeper into the fantasy sleep. Automatically following the voice not noticing the sparkling unfamiliar world around him, suddenly Sage slid down a small hill of black sand landing at the edge of a large body of water. Though the water sparkled from the reflection of the bright moon and stars like diamonds in a velvet blue sky, to Sage it was more like an inky black goopy monstrosity, with hands of long white sharp claws grabbing at Sage’s legs forcing him into its depths. Trapped within his mind, Sage immediately snapped out of the trance stumbling back and crawling away from the edge of the sea.

His body fought to awaken. The voice called to him once again.
“Sage, Sage~”


Sage looked around trying to figure out in which direction the voice was coming from. The sound reverberated off the large crystals of all shapes and sizes scattered across the landscape. As Sage scanned the horizon of islands and water, a clear white crystal figure appeared through the fog in a long flowing white dress. Closely resembling his late mother, Aideen, the figure floated closer to the motionless Sage. Three crystals caroled an Irish lullaby once sung by his mother as they encircle her head.

“I see the moon, the moon sees me
shining through the leaves of the old oak tree.
Oh, let the light that shines on me
shine on the one I love.

Over the mountain, over the sea,
back where my heart is longing to be
Oh, let the light that shines on me
shine on the one I love.

I hear the lark, the lark hears me
singing from the leaves of the old oak tree
Oh, let the lark that sings to me
sing to the one I love.

Over the mountains, over the sea
back where my heart is longing to be
Oh, let the lark that sings to me
sing to the one I love.”


The figure floated towards Sage and gently stroked Sage’s cheek wiping away his tears. The “mother” spoke softly once again, as the land and sea remained silent.
“Sage, ma ould flower. Would you do somethin’ for me?”
“I-I don’t know…”
“I love you, Sage. Would you swim through water with me?”
Sage gasped,
“Nev’r ma-ma! I’ll drown just the way you did when your boat capsized as you were comin’ home from the mainland! I know it was all my fault for askin’ you to get me a signed copy of that stupid book!  Are you gone in the head!?”
“Oh, ma sweet babby. I am here for you.”
The figure’s crystalline hand reached out towards Sage. Sage was apprehensive but seeing his “mother’s” face again made him stronger. Sage grabbed his “mother's” hand. It was warmer than he expected. Together they slowly walked into the coagulated water. Breathing heavy, Sage’s chest felt tight.
“Wait! I can’t! M-Move!” Sage screamed. Small black, stringy hands held onto him covering him to his chest.
The figure sunk deeper into the water, the water making a low hiss as she descended. Her scrunchy ringlet hair flowed around her in a phosphorus green of foam. She turned to Sage, a less motherly intent gleamed in her eyes. She giggled and blew bubbles in the water.
She beckoned, “Won’t you come play with me~?”



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