The Tree | Teen Ink

The Tree

May 29, 2016
By SkylarGPeters BRONZE, Shickshinny, Pennsylvania
SkylarGPeters BRONZE, Shickshinny, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   Louise loved imagination. She might have been growing out of her childish imaginations but she still loved it. Going outside was a getaway for her. Since she lived in an open area whereshe was able to explore. The smell of the pine, the crisp March windy air and the feeling of absolute peace inspired her. Nature was her friend.
     It was just her and her mother who lived together in a small fairytale themed cottage in Oregon. Her mother was a writer herself and always inspired Louise.  “Louise, how was your day?” said Louise’s mother.  “It was pretty good. I’m tired though.” This was probably one of the briefest conversations with her mother but she didn’t feel like talking. Lately, she felt uninspired. Her writing skills, imagination and inspiration has gone down. She didn’t know if it was a case of winter blues or she needed something to inspire her.
     Luckily she lived in the beautiful state of Oregon with an amazing coastline near her house. She decided to go for a walk away from her comfort zone. While discovering many different of items, she came across something different. It was a usual tree. It wasn’t our normal tree either. I was something that you would see in a story book or that a forest fairy would own. It was tall, wide and mysterious. Lanterns hung from it and it looked like a home to someone else. “Is anybody in here?” she said. Nobody answered. This time she made the tone of her voice sound louder and less fragile. Still, nobody answered. There was an opening and she decided to walk in.
     Walking in here gave her a flashback of when she was younger. Over the summers, she would visit her Grandparents house on the east coast. Her grandparents were the coolest people she’s ever met.  Her grandpa built her this amazing tree house in the backyard. Unfortunately, a violent storm destroyed the whole tree house. The tree house made her have a nostalgic feeling.
     Continuing to walk in she saw a mystical looking place. It was neat and had a comforting sent of lavender, nutmeg and orange. She thought it was something modeled off of the Hobbit or Narnia. A strange old man walked by her. “Do you always feel like breaking into people’s house or are you just reckless like the other teenagers your age?” It just hit her that she broke into the house of somebody else and she felt bad and immature. “I’m sorry, I’m just wondering who lives here”, said Louise. “I do. Well, my family does. We built this to hide from the modern world.” After chatting about everything and anything, he asked her to stay. She wished she could but she knew her mother wouldn’t approve of her staying at some strangers tree house. She called her mom and told her that she’ll be home later that night. The old man gave her delicious pastries, coffee, tea and other sweets. He told her about his life and his love for anything fantasy related, books and writers. They had so much in common. It was almost has if she was hearing her subconscious.  Perhaps, she was.
     Hearing a loud screechy noise, she soon woke up from a long nap. She realized it was all a dream. The tree, the old man, and the path she had takin. Louise was disappointed but she instantly felt more inspiration again. She got out her writing Journal to document everything she witnessed is her dream. The dream was her inspiration for her growth in writing.

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