The Rookie | Teen Ink

The Rookie

October 10, 2016
By KobySeely BRONZE, San Ramon, California
KobySeely BRONZE, San Ramon, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He is sweating from head to toe with a musty odor in his backyard, trying to hit the ball as hard as he can with all of his bodies force going to the ball. He has spent hours on working mentally and physically on his game so that he can be a better player than anyone in the country. He finally finished and walked in his house to get his daily workout in. He is lifting weights and is sweating like a waterfall because he is working so hard. He is working everyday of his life to get in the best shape he possibly can get in. Finally he finishes his workout and he is done for the day. He sits down on his super comfortable couch and starts to relax, then suddenly his phone starts to ring.” Hello?”, He wonders who’s on the phone.
“Hey, is this Steve Watson?” The man says.
“Yes, it is,” He replies.
“This is Coach Hernandez from the San Francisco Giants and we were wondering if you would be interested in joining our baseball program?”
“Yes, I would love to. What are some of the benefits because I have several other teams wanting me to play for them?”
“We have several benefits. We understand there are several other teams but we are the best for you. You will get a contract for 4 years $15.1 Million dollars with a $7.5 Million dollar bonus.”
“That’s the best offer I have gotten from any other team. Will I be the starting Shortstop?”
“That is one thing we can’t do for you because we have Brandon Crawford as our shortstop, but we would make you the starting second basemen.”
Steve leaves the ground with excitement and immediately agrees to the contract,” Yes I will play for the Giants! Thank you so much!”
“Pleasure doing buisness with you!”
Steve was so excited and was grateful for being signed by the San Francisco Giants. The first thing he did when he was signed by the Giants was call his dad and his mom and told them the news. “Hey Mom and Dad I have something really important to talk about,” He said seriously.
“What is it son?” they both said.
“I just agreed to sign with the San Francisco Giants!”
“Oh my gosh that’s amazing, what was the contract?”
“4 years $15.1 million with a $7 million bonus.”
“Wow thats amazing we will have to go to your games.”
“Yup sounds great. Goodnight!”
The next day he had to go to training so that he could prepare for his big game that was in two days! He laid in his soft memory foam bed and just let the thoughts run through his head for a good hour. He couldn’t believe that he got signed that night. He was just imagining him in the field doing what he loves for the rest of his life. He finally falls asleep.
The next day he goes and works out with the team in the morning so he could get better chemistry. He had worked out with them before the season started but he didn’t know if he would get signed by them. He did great in practice and Brandon Crawford said to him,”Hey you are a great player that we needed for this team and I’m glad me and you are in middle infield together.”
“Yeah we will will to great I’m glad I’m with you too,” he agreed.
“You do know that we won in 2016 right? Because we are actually trying to win a world series in 2017 this year.”
“Yeah I’m glad you beat the Blue Jays because I can’t stand them.”
“Yeah so do I. I’ll catch you later.”
“Alright, see ya.”
Practice ended and he was ready to crash because he was so tired. He was also really hungry so he went to McDonalds and got a bite to eat. After Steve ate his food he laid down for a while and suddenly fell asleep.
It was game day and he was ready to go out there a crush it for his first big league appearance. There was so much adrenalin running through his body and he was just way too excited. The first pitch of the game was thrown by El Guapo, the president of Mexico, and the pitch was terrible but Steve thought it was cool seeing him. After that first pitch he got more excited because he knew the game was going to start soon.
They were the home team playing the Blue Jays and Steve got to go out on defence first. Bumgarner through the first pitch and the ball went right to Steve and he fielded it cleanly and got the out. They got three out and Steve was the 1st batter of the game. He stepped up to bat and the catcher said,”Good luck today. Make your first game be one to remember.” They through the first pitch to him and he got a base hit on the first pitch.
The game continued and no one scored for 9 innings and the Giants had one more try to score so that they didn’t go into extra innings. There was two out in the ninth and Steve Watson was up to bat. He was so nervous but he was excited. No one was on base and the first pitch came and it was a strike. The next pitch was a ball and the pitcher was throwing hard. Watson stepped in again and swung and missed. He has two strikes and one ball. The pitcher came right at him and Steve Watson drove one super far for a home run that won the game for the Giants. Watson hit a walkoff to with the game in his very first appearance as a pro player. He couldn’t have dreamed anything better than what he just did.

The author's comments:

I like to play baseball and I felt like I wanted to right a story that I would hope to be me. I have had this dream before and I wanted to right a story about it. 

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