Opening day | Teen Ink

Opening day

December 15, 2014
By Ryan Ringrose BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Ryan Ringrose BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Opening Day
Baseball. The greatest sport in American history. There is no other sport like it fast paced, action packed, and the momentum changing with the swing of the bat. I have played other sports basketball, soccer, and football, but none of them are close to the excitement I feel when I’m on a baseball field. The chance of the ball being hit to you, or the feeling you get after you have hit in the winning run creates an unbeatable atmosphere, with excitement, tension and exhilaration unparalleled in any other sport. There is no other sport that can compete with baseball.The tension is the highest during opening day, this game will often show how well your team will be for the rest of the season.
  Opening day is my favorite part of the baseball season. The smell of grilled hot dogs, seeing friends you have not seen since the end of last season, watching the home run derby. It is magical. Despite this, the best part of opening day is the game.  Whether you win or lose it is all in good of fun, right? Wrong, everything rides on the game .This game is where you coach decides what position you will be playing the rest of the season, when you will bat, and how often you should play or sit the bench. This game is the most important of the season, this is when you will make your first impressions on your coach and your teammates. Opening day is what you train for during the off season, it makes you want to be better than the kid trying to usurp the position, you have been training to play since T-ball. Opening day is still intense even if you are not playing.
Opening day in Major league baseball is just as exciting, with rival teams playing battling it out on the field. There are fights. thrown bats, and ejections. Overall it is a lot of fun. All baseball fields have great food. It may not be healthy but it is delicious. From ball park hot dogs, to pretzel with cheese sauce. Then you watch your favorite team play their rivals. And hopefully win.
  Opening day, two words yet it is baseball at its finest, everyone is trying their hardest, no one wants to sit the bench the rest of the season, opening day is the cause of frustration, despair, sorrow, and excitement.  It has caused broken bats, thrown helmets, and sunburns. Baseball is the best sport in history and opening day is the apex of it. Opening day is why I play baseball.

The author's comments:

I love baseball


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