Literature of the Lost | Teen Ink

Literature of the Lost

February 26, 2013
By cmandler SILVER, Manhattan, New York
cmandler SILVER, Manhattan, New York
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Watch as the invisible man sticks his head into the moulding of the wall; the pinky fingers of his adolescence still stuck in the holes where they grew and suddenly couldn’t escape anymore. Splinters litter the skin near his knuckle like a piece of sadistic human art, a new ‘modern.’

Your toes are wiggling with the still-present tingle of the grass from your childhood backyard, the dirt still stuck to your heel where you chased that dog from one planter box to another. You ruined your mother’s zinnias.

Now nailed into a concept, a magazine review, a dusty book on a junk shelf in an attic that everyone forgot existed. You’re waiting to be uncovered my grandchildren exploring an old house, but they picked up the cover with the pictures instead.

You are not a person, but you are coveted. Worth everything, yet worth nothing at the same time. You could go for a solid thousand at an auction, but you’re hardly a penny’s worth to fingers covered in breakfast jam and toast crumbs.

Your opinion is of no value, but the fingerpainting done by the last reader, stuck to the inner corners of page 312—the page a proud mother tore out years ago0—is held up by magnets on the refrigerator. Nobody ever took it down.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 4 2013 at 8:37 pm
Why_Do_We_Fall GOLD, Fort Wayne, Indiana
15 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Have I not commanded you be strong and courageous, do not be terrified do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you...wherever you go!&quot; Joshua 1:9<br /> :)<br /> &quot;Why do we fall, Bruce?&quot;

WOW!! I really like this!  Especially wthe description of the knuckels and dirt on the heel.  I love the ending, it makes me want to know more and understand the importance of the book this page was ripped from!  What a great piece, I'm glad I read it.  KEEP IT UP!