My imaginary friend | Teen Ink

My imaginary friend

April 7, 2016
By Adriyana SILVER, Nilai, Other
Adriyana SILVER, Nilai, Other
6 articles 3 photos 0 comments

When I was little, I truly believed in monsters. I hated the dark and would dread having the lights turned out. I believed there were these two shapeshifting monsters that would come out from under my bed and try to smother me, and then there was a tiny swarm of monster bugs that would come out from a vent near my bed. I was always scared, everynight. And then I started seeing him. I saw very tall man in a black hooded cloak with glowing orange eyes and a battle-axe head on a staff would come through my door and just stand there. He didn't have a face, just eyes and an empty hood. He wouldn't do anything. He just watched. But as soon as he came through the door, all the monsters would go away. Of course, me being the small child thought he was going to kill me. But he never did. He just watched and made sure all the monsters went away before leaving and shutting the door behind him. This was whenever I was six and seven. Now, I looked back and realized that he was protecting me. He never got any thanks, I always thought he was going to kill me. But he kept coming back everynight anyway. I have a name for him now. Grimm. We talk a bit, not a bunch, mostly whenever I'm afraid or lying awake at night. I know he isn't real, but he helps whenever things get tough. He's my Prince of Darkness, and he gets rid of the monsters.
thanks for listening to my rant.


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