White Room | Teen Ink

White Room

December 1, 2014
By Mia Malandruccolo BRONZE, Valhalla, New York
Mia Malandruccolo BRONZE, Valhalla, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The guests scrambled through the dwelling of Prince Prospero; first the blue room, and then the purple, and then the green, and then the orange, and then finally they reached the white.  The thought of the pestilence that had been abandoned with ingression into the palace fled their minds temporarily. Each room had been perfectly distinctive from all the others. The only similarities between these rooms was in the background you could still hearken to the music and the consistent chiming of the clock that somehow manage to floodthrough the whole palace.
With entering the white room came a sense of innocence and purity and loyalty.  White duplicates these feelings through marriage.  The white dress of the bride resembles innocence and purity and loyalty to her husband until the end of time.  All the decorum had such an arabesque design to it.  The accoutered of the guests harmonized with ornamentation entirely; everything had a feckless feel about it.With a first glance around the room everything seemed anticipated.  Everything was a shade of white yet not as basic as expected.
As more time had passed since entering the room people began to regard extra minutiae.  All of their eyes instantly locked on the grotesque object in the corner of the room as soon as they had detected it. It had been covered with a plain, white sheet in order to keep the mystery alive. Nobody knew exactly what it was, but nobody wanted to be the one to find out. Murmurs about it buzzed around instantly. “What could it be?” “Is it a sign?” “Should we leave?”Just as quickly as they had noticed, they had tried to forget about it.  Nobody wanted to stay hung up over something so asinine; but the spiritual object didn’t want to be obliterated.The base on which the item was propped up upon moved across the floor producing a high pitched, screeching sound like nails on a chalkboard. Everyone’s attention refocused on this cryptic item. Concern fled throughout the entire room; nobody wanted to believe what was happening, but could tell by the similar looks on everyone else’s face that this was truly happening.  All eyes were still on the piece covered with the white silk, hoping that this was just some sort of escapade being played on them by the prince or someone else in the room or just their imaginations making up this whole scheme.  Through their brave facades it could be seen that these visitors were all full of alarm, of fear, of concern and of shock.  Looking into their eyes led deep into their souls which was filled with feelings and emotions and affection.  All these poor people wanted was to get out of this room, but they had no choice.  It was just a matter of time until the next charm of the clock sounded; this is their sign to ascend forward into the next room.  After waiting patiently and staring at the mystical mass for what must have felt like an eternity, they finally heard the sound they were waiting for.  Darting for the door, the citizens didn’t bother to warn the incomers for what was up ahead.


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