The Mainstreet Alley | Teen Ink

The Mainstreet Alley

September 29, 2008
By Anonymous

There is a reason nobody ever goes down the mainstreet alley past 10p.m, but sadly no one knows the truth except me!
The first person who dared go down there was a five year old girl named Kambrie. It was late and the alley was a short cut to her house.
She ran down that alley not knowing what tragic things were about to happen. It was like the wind had stolen her. There was no trace nor a sound left. Her parents looked for her nonstop for three years. Finally giving up.
Everyone in town thought oh what a tragic accident; until it happend again to a little boy, and again by a teenage girl.
The Mainstreet police sent in some people as an investigation. No one came out except one. One tiny officer came out. Scared to death.
The officer told the terrifing story to anyone who would listen. Himself and three colegess entered the ally. There was a crack. We turned, but nobody was there. The supence was killing us. Then death himself came down. He took my friends in a flash. Inch by inch I crawled out of that dreaded place knowing that could have ended my life right there.
A warning to all of you if you ever visit Mainstreet never repeat never walk through the Alley. Well, if you value your lifes don't


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