The Reason I'm In Heaven | Teen Ink

The Reason I'm In Heaven

June 25, 2008
By Anonymous

On June 11, 2005, I was going to the pool with some friends. I was so happy to go with them. We were walking and we got there and we were all talking and laughing. Then one of me friends name Clinesha said she dared me, Jones, and Michael to jump from the diving board and jump in the water and see who could stay under the water the longest. I went first and jumped in the water. Michael went after me. He jumped. When he jumped, he landed on me. He didn't know it then, but that's when I started to drown.

I tried to push up, but it didn't work so I sank to the bottom and died. Lying in the water, I stayed. Someone went to my house and told my mother that I had died and they told her what happening. How I died. She started to cry and she called my dad and to him what happened. He came home and he was mad. Then he called the rest of the family to tell them what happened. Mother and my grandmother took it hard. My funeral came on June 15, 2005. I see everyone is up set. I look down on them from heaven. Now I see that everyone cares about me. Now you see why I am in heaven looking down on you.


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