The Dream from Within | Teen Ink

The Dream from Within

January 31, 2023
By writergurl4321 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
writergurl4321 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Dream from Within 

Last night, I dreamt of flying off far far away to Neverland, a place of swampy green forests and lakes made of blueberry lemonade. A place where your dreams, quite literally, came true. Exploring this strange and new place I stumble across Aaron Burr, which was odd being that just like his friend George Washington, he had been trying to cross the Hudson River. Unsure of what both Aaron Burr and the Hudson were doing in Neverland and even my dream I then see across the way Ryan Reynolds sharing with a Sea Urchin his famous runny yolk fried eggs. As I sprinted into the Hudson and began to swim, I arrived after what felt like 12345678987654321 moments later I couldn’t help but speak in Spanish. “A mi me gusta tú.” As I was so overwhelmed by how charming he was I couldn’t help but feel guilty about being head over heels for Ryan Reynolds even though I had a crush on Eric. Oh my God! It was such a gloomy situation and I needed to come a little closer to a solution to who it was going to be, Eric or Ryan Reynolds? That’s it! The solution, Shawn Mendes, he is such a great problem solver I know he will be able to help me out. As I walked to find Shawn who didn’t seem to be anywhere, I instead found a swaggy orthodontist. He was in fact so swaggy he had on some white high top Jordans on, which was quite possibly the greatest addition to his outfit. Splendid I thought, if I couldn’t find Shawn to help me I’ll just ask the orthodontist. Approaching him, he backed away and turned into a gray hippogriff. I had no clue what was going on so I started to run away. This must have triggered the hippogriff orthodontist because she started chasing me with orthodontic tools. I ran and ran for safety until eventually I found some “neato,” I exclaimed, happy to be safe. But I was anything but safe, I fell through the earth falling and falling to what seemed like my doom, except it wasn’t. I jolted awake and the abnormally odd dream was over.


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