Name Essay | Teen Ink

Name Essay

March 1, 2019
By 0bosmans BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
0bosmans BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Saydey. Saydey is like the number 14, unordinary, one less from 15. Most people skim over 14. However one does not realize the importance of it. Saydey is a happy name. Saydey is the color yellow. My name means spring. The warmth after a cold, brutal winter. If everyone was wearing red, I would be wearing green. The one who stands out in a crowd. The unordinary one. Saydey is different from all of her friends. She is not afraid to be herself, she does not let people walk over her.

I always hated my name because of the way it spelled. People I have met have probably have never seen it spelled that way. Nobody can ever pronounce it right. I wished my name was more basic, like Sarah, or Maddie. Maybe this is the first time seeing it spelled like that. When you first saw it, did you even know how to pronounce it? Did you think: Say day, or Sydney, who knows, but it’s Say Dee. Just like Sadie. That’s how you pronounce it. Not that hard. To most people it seems to be.

I got the spelling of my name from my moms best friend Hayley.I grew up with her being my second mom. She was always there for me just like my mom was. When I was younger, she would bring her daughter who is my best friend and we would all just hang out and play and It was amazing. I do not see her as much as I used to, however she will always be a huge part of my life.

In middle school all I wished was to change my name. I hated it. But then I started high school and things changed. My name meant something different. It was not just some name every kid got nailed into there head in grade school.People did not have to know my name, but they did.The kids at school knew my name, they would say it and I would think good about myself. That is my name. No one else's name. When I hear the name Saydey, I think loving and caring. When people need help, I am always there for them, and that my name goes perfect with myself. My name is unique. It is special.  


Now realize that I love my name. My name makes me who I am. In all of its uniqueness, and craziness. I do not want a regular name. I want my name. And I love my name. Saydey is my name.

The author's comments:

This is a stylistic piece from a chapter from The House on Mango Street. 

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