Name Essay | Teen Ink

Name Essay

February 28, 2019
By 0traudt BRONZE, Heartland, Wisconsin
0traudt BRONZE, Heartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In English, my name means gift from God. In Biblical terms, it means manliness, generosity, and usefulness. It is like the number 7. Lucky and a little more than halfway to ten . A bright red sun reaching out over the farm fields at the end of a day. It is the fulfillment that you get after completing a long day for work, and the happiness received after improving someone else's day.

My name was my great uncle’s and now it is mine. I was named after my great uncle because I was born on his birthday. I was never supposed to born on his birthday but I came one week early and just by luck I got the same birthday as him.

Strangely me and my great uncle are very similar. Like him, I am a hard worker and always trying to be the best I can. My uncle created and built a bagging company out of nothing and sold it when he grew it to his content. I want to start my own company like him someday.

My family is very religious. many of my family members have biblical names. Because my Grandpa was going to be a priest until he left the monastery when he met my grandma.

With the church being so important to my family and their history I am happy that I got a name so highly respected by the Bible.Johnathan saved David from his father. Jonathan was the next rightful king of Israel. But David claimed the throne and instead of killing him Johnathan talked him out of it. Gift from God is a really good meaning because in the new testament there was only one direct gift: Jesus.

I would never want to change my name because it makes my parents happy and gives me options because my name is spelled Johnathan so I can go by John or Johnathan. It has part of my family history and connects me to the past and my other family members. Also, it fits me. I believe that I have all of the traits that my name holds.

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