Name Essay | Teen Ink

Name Essay

September 27, 2018
By Writterguy23 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Writterguy23 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name is of French Origin, it means defiant.   Confidence is a excellent adjective for my name, similar to a professional athlete who can prove his skills on the field while under pressure.  If I were to assign a attribute to my name, Green would be a color. Green is a color that is full of life and exploration. Green is a color of happiness and fulfillment.  Green is a color of prosperity and accomplishment. Green also is my favorite color.

Originally I was supposed to have received the name Matthew Jr.  This is because my dad’s first name is Matt, though my mother wouldn’t allow it.  It took my parents hours to decide a name fit for me. One stood out in the baby book, “Gage”.  The name seemed elegant, special and almost as though it belonged to a King because of its power.

My name is everything, I wish to never lose it and I could never give it away.  Others around me may criticise my name; however, they are the ones who are jealous.  I was picked on in middle school. Most of the kids would pronounce it gay-ge which really bothered me.  My name was different and the kids who were around me couldn’t accept it. They rivaled against me in gym, recess and even in the classroom.

I changed who I was during high school except my name.  Those around me chairished the opportunity to be different.  Outgoing and socially accepted are words that describe me. I also am very approachable and understanding.

In public I am recognised.  When people ask for my name they give comments.  Sometimes they say, “cool name” or “who gave you that name?”.  This one time, I drove to the Cosco store. I was there to pick up some groceries, yet out of nowhere came a man who ‘knew’ me.  He asked for my name, obediently I gave it. Then he said, “Wow, awesome name sorry to bother you.” 15 minutes later I met the bag checker woman.  She turned to me and said, “Is that your real name on the receipt?” then I said, “Yes it is, do you like it?” blushing, she responded with, “Yes I do, never seen anything like it.”  

My name fits well,  it inspires personality and inspiration.  If I had the opportunity to change my birth certificate, I wouldn’t because my name is perfect the way it is.  Your individual experiences are what bring your name to life. I wish to inspire others to recognize their names importance.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I want others to recognize their names importance.

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