The missing link or is it | Teen Ink

The missing link or is it

April 1, 2015
By AngelicPhoenix GOLD, Tea, South Dakota
AngelicPhoenix GOLD, Tea, South Dakota
13 articles 1 photo 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
My favorite quote is I am protective and defensive of my wolf pack

Anita got bumped up to going on her own missions/investigations instead of hanging with me I kinda liked it especially since the murder of Ima Rockstar I didn’t expect 3 people to be the killers but it was Rainy Storm, Uno Suspect, and Nata Machine. Anita Ride got assigned to her most difficult case and Justin and I had to help Maryann Walker lost her children Mary and Walker I can still play that one Maryanne wanted someone to investigate while her and her husband Frank Walker headed to a diner to eat. We can’t investigate when they aren’t there or let’s just say she can’t she has to be supervised to make sure that she was doing actual work. We headed down to the Walker home and what do ya know we see them walking out of their house. “Just in time Justin.” “Like always?” he asked questionly “Yep my fine friend of 2 counting my sister Anita.” I said happily I met 3 of the neighbors they were all suspicious Ida Runner, Clara Time (Maybe Justin and her are related), and Verda Vamp. I loved Verda’s last name it comes from my favorite monster. I had Anita interview the people and I looked for clues I would then later interview them and see which one has the clues on them “Anita you need to find the motive of the suspects I wonder if any of them hated the children on the yard. I went to the children’s room and found the window open, nail scratches on the bedpost, and the whole room looked like there was a struggle during the kidnapping “Jennifer I found something in the bathroom.” I headed over to the bathroom and saw what he meant “Bottles of poison I wonder who put that in there possibly the parents.” I examined the bottle it hadn’t been taken the children probably knew what it was I was hoping for that at least or the killer/kidnapper filled it up with water to make it seem like it wasn’t drank. “Which one of the neighbors is the doctor?” I asked Justin “All of them.” that made things harder I wish it didn’t “Take me to the living room.” we headed into the living room I found shatters glass with bits of blood on it “So the kidnapper got a little cut that’s going to be part of the investigation when I see them.” then I noticed it was a glass plate that was dropped “Okay so more likely the parents did it.” then I noticed pry marks on the door from the outside “So this is my theory the kidnapper broke in because either they forgot the key or they aren’t the parents.” I headed over to the door and found shoe prints that looked like they were running. I knew that had to be one person Ida Runner but she wasn’t near the crime or was she “Who lives next to Mr and Mrs. Walker?” I asked Justin he knew more facts about the case then I did “Clara Time she’s not related to me by the way.” “Nows not that Just in time thing we don’t need to know those facts.” I said half expecting Justin to smile “I think we need to wrap this place up.” but before I could I found a hair piece in the couch “The Walkers they have brown hair right?” I asked “Yeah they do.” “Then who has blonde?” that when it hit me I got a text from Anita “Just in time to see me solve this case.” “Will you stop using my name!” Justin screamed at me “It’s not my fault you name is Justin and your last name is time but what’s even more Ironic I need a ride and so does Anita her husband drove her here.” “Just like Anita to need a ride.” Justin said. The suspects walked into the house and so did the Walkers I smelled poison on one of the people so I walked around and found the one person that smelled of poison. “I know who did it!” I screamed “Who was it then?” Maryann Walker asked “It was……..”

The author's comments:

Who's the kidnapper Ida Runner, Clara Time, or Verda Vamp?


This article has 2 comments.

on Apr. 1 2015 at 6:53 pm
AngelicPhoenix GOLD, Tea, South Dakota
13 articles 1 photo 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
My favorite quote is I am protective and defensive of my wolf pack

Sorry about that I was in a hurry but A boy and girl has gone missing. And Jennifer, Anita, Justin are trying to solve the mystery I have others that I guess i should check

on Apr. 1 2015 at 4:40 pm
benyewest SILVER, Katy, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 5 comments
I liked the ideas, but how much time did you spend proofreading? I had a little trouble following what was going on.