Snow Storm | Teen Ink

Snow Storm

January 5, 2015
By Justin Fertig BRONZE, Vine Street, Iowa
Justin Fertig BRONZE, Vine Street, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Snow Storm

My friends are going on a hike, all four of us. We get back up to go to the Appalachian Mountains and try to hike, there is a 40% chance of snow, but we aren’t worried. My friend Joe asks if we should bring extra food and water just in case something happens. I said “No, don’t overpack and get fatigued.
”Mike is the “nature expert” he has been in the woods for pretty much his whole life. Will is the guy that would be there for you at anytime he was a great friend. Me, I am a good hiker and I have been hiking for 6 years now with Mike. As we pack our car for the 3 day hike I am sensing that there may be a storm coming in, but I ignore it. We drove to the base of one of the hikes and start putting on our backpacks. We start hiking for about 2 hours,no trouble at all. We packed trail mix, granola bars, water, oranges and apples. We all stop for a 15 minute break. There is snow flurring around us, but it is very light so we continue. We set up camp for the night after about 45 minutes more of hiking. Mike built us tents and we brought sleeping bags. We go to sleep very quickly as we are really tired from the hike.
Next morning there is a little snow on the ground, but mostly melted. Joe made some fresh salad from the greens he found in the field of foliage for breakfast. We get ready for day 2 of the hike, we must travel to the next checkpoint which is the Great Oak Falls. Mike and I think that this is the best spot to set up camp next. The hike is around 6 miles and we hiked for 5 miles yesterday so this may be tough. We hike for an hour and we are already sore so we stop and stretch. The snow is getting mildly heavier by the hour so we must continue. The hike is fine for the next 2 miles but the snow is getting heavier and heavier. I hear Will say that he is getting really cold and he can’t feel his toes. Mike suggests that we must stop and start camp. I plead that we must go further. We travel for another excruciating 1 and a half miles. Wwe finally hit base camp at 12:00 midnight. The night was restless, not much sleep for any of us.
Joe asked if he should search for wood for a fire.
I replied saying “Sure”, and so did all of the guys.
For the next 35 minutes didn’t hear or see we haven’t heard or seen of Joe. We finally hear a loud scream! It was Joe.
He cries out “Help me!” then what resumed was a loud rustling noise. We all rush down and Joe was gone. There was only Mike, me, and Will.
“We must stay together,” said Mike.
Next morning was here, and it was horrid the snow was everywhere and our camp was unrecognizable.  I asked Mike “where’s Will?”
He responded saying “I don’t know, I thought he was with you.”
We both call out “Will!”, “Where are you.” He had disappeared. Mike went and got some wood with me as we were both frightened. The forest was so quiet and gorgeous. I stopped and tied my shoe for a second and I look up and Mike is gone. Where did he go? Where’s Will? Next I hear footsteps I start to cry pleading “please stop, don’t hurt me.” Then I hear April Fools! Hahaha got you all the guys screamed. They got me good.

The author's comments:

its good


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