The Journey | Teen Ink

The Journey

February 28, 2012
By Robbyier BRONZE, St. Paul, Minnesota
Robbyier BRONZE, St. Paul, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As Phil looked upon the mountain he remembered what his mom had told him. “You’ll never amount to anything.” Well, now he had to amount to something. This mountain had been his home, his livelihood; all of his good memories had been started and ended upon that mountaintop. But now, it was all up in flames, literally. The fire had been started from a torch left from the village over. The villages were competing with one another in every way; they occasionally stole food and Phil’s village stole food from theirs. The Yaks, (Phil’s village), and the Moks, (rival village), have been competing in every way possible for the last 100 years when both villages were founded by two brothers simply looking for a place to live. They wanted to each build neighboring cities of peace because that was what they felt the world should be.

They had lived in peace until a thief from the Moks village stole food from a local market and fled to the Yaks village. The Moks sheriff came and said that there was a thief inside the village and that he needed to find out were the crook was. None of the people in the village knew what he was talking about, so they accused him of trying to make the Yaks look bad. The sheriff being angered by, this destroyed a cabbage stand and left. The Yaks got even with him and the whole city by destroying the Moks’s market place. Since then the feud between the two cities has continued and had progressively gotten worse. But nothing could have compared to what happened. The village and so many Yak lives were lost, just gone. The revelation simply staggered Phil. Nobody else was with him. The wind blew silent, smelling of destruction. Based on the wreckage Phil thought that he was the only Yak that was still alive. To go along with that he was the only non-Mok person for miles. The other closest city was the city of Chaos. The City of Chaos wasn’t the official name, that was new Vladencreig, but every person that travels there either doesn’t return or returns insane and because nobody knew why it was called The City of Chaos.

Phil knew what he had to do. He had to go to the city of Chaos. It would have to be his new home. Maybe he could convince some the citizens to help rebuild his city. Phil knew that he couldn’t get them back for what they did for two reasons. One because if he got them back it would have to be worse than what they did to him, as was custom, and two the Moks would get him back and he had no idea what that meant for him.

He decided to set off right then and there, but he knew that he would probably regret doing so, but it was his only chance. With no supplies or food he would only make one day of the seven-day travel. Unfortunately, all of the supplies in the city were scorched beyond repair including livestock. Phil wasn’t even sure and of the other Yaks even got out. Phil had been away with his father on a hunting trip without supplies. That was the Yaks right of passage. The purpose was for a boy and his father to learn of the other’s life. No tools allow the boy to be self-sufficient. It was when they returned they saw the towering inferno and his dad rushed in to save the people. He never came out. Phil continued to stare at the last of the embers. Tears filled his eyes. Whether they were from the smoke of his sadness was unknown. He was sure of one thing. That he must go now.

The author's comments:
I like adventure


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